Lvl 70 Honor Gear

Pretty much, though don’t think they are bug abusers, blizzard is the reason why this turned out the way it did. Just like back in classic launch after all the streamers had the chance to abuse dungeons and threw out a hotfix 3 days after or was it a week? Kinda same situation here. Either revert the change or put it at x5 and x7 during weekends (before hotfix change the other day). I and among many others don’t want to waste all their time on 1 character to get either full gear or be capped at marks and honor for TBC and not have time to do anything else.


Blizz already said before pre patch came out that honor would not be wiped, letting ppl legitimately grind it at low rates and going back on that would be bad.

If they did get rid of ppls honor, they’d have to only wipe honor that came from this bug.

If you grinded gold for 50 hrs would you be ok if they suddenly wiped your gold going in to TBC because having more gold is an unfair advantage compared to people who didn’t bother to grind it?


Makes too much sense, it’ll never happen

so you think there is zero chance that the honor we grind rite now gets converted to gold or something ridiculous once were 70 and ready to spend on level 70 pvp gear?

That’s not a good comparison because there was never a time when mobs suddenly dropped 10x the gold they normally drop.

That said, I don’t really know a good solution to this - because like you said, there -are- people who are legitimately grinding out honor at the reduced rates with intention to carry it into BC.

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It’s not a very big deal. The number of people that grinded out that much honor that early and didn’t buy anything at all with it is gonna be a very small number in comparison to the total population going into tbc. I don’t even think season 1 arena comes out right away either.

Nobody abused anything they just played the game. Its blizzard that abused the community for allowing some people to acquire the honor if they no lifed the first day before the hot fix.

Fix it… nerfing 90% so you get 10% of the honor we used to then “doubling it” aka 20% is like some tactic a used car salesman would use.


Unfortunately blizz already decided to not wipe honor with the first hotfix nerf which is likely when they would have done it.

The chance that it happens after people legitimately grind it, after they said they wouldn’t is really low.

Legitimately grinding honor cap at these rates isn’t that hard to do in the first place, so wipe would impact a ton of legitimate players.


Way fewer people benefitted from this. It wasn’t available for long at all.

This implies people were intentionally manipulating something to benefit from it. Only in hindsight did people know this. And only in hindsight did people realize it would have been a good time to stockpile. That’s why the amount of people with capped honor is VERY VERY VERY low.

Tinfoil and Cringe fused to form this post.



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The bottleneck will be marks, not honor. Get honor capped all you want, but if you’re rolling into TBC with ~20 or so of each mark, you’ll be right back in BG’s.

HONOR is not the issue here guys, GET YOUR MARKS, or you’ll regret it.

In 2.3 people had so many more marks than honor. Honor was possibly the worst its ever been and it was an age that tried to adjust the decent honor gains via Honorable kills system that they had.

So honorable kills were changed to no longer take the player’s rank into consideration in 2.3 and with diminishing returns it basically made it feel like honor didn’t exist anymore.

The marks and lack of honor was so bad that in season 4 they removed the diminishing return cap (but the HK honor was still pretty low) and they also added the Concerted Efforts NPC back to the game with a new quest that gave you 314 honor repeatedly when you brought one of each mark to him.

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Arena S1 and S2 (maybe 3) will be a huge problem with marks instead of honor. I can see having more marks than honor in later phases as resilience is abundant and people start to replace certain PvP peices with PvE peices.

Currently we don’t have any DR on kills, or no DR til you die 50 times then you’re worth no honor. The PvP quest is definitely bugged and they need to bring back concerted efforts at some point.

Not true unless you waste marks on lvl 60 gear.

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It’s sad but also a bit funny to see all these fresh boosts with 2+ epic pvp gear pieces including weaps lol. What a mess… as usual some players have a huge advantage because of a bug.

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What about the players who got their pvp gear months ago on their mains? Should they have theirs removed too?

why would anyone remove people that grinded out grandmarshal gear when it was hard. thats dumb. are you just flexing that you spent 900 hours in av during classic?

Not sure what you mean here. Are you really comparing people that grinded for months with boosts that grinded less than a day for gear and honor cap? Either that or maybe you just don’t understand what this thread is about I guess.

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I know this is a bit off your topic, but for comparison purposes, the double honor has actually been solid. The double double honor for a holiday weekend for grinding specific BGs + normal double honor for everything else feels like a good place to leave it.

I don’t think they will, but I think they should consider it. The honor gains feel just smooth enough to warrant giving the effort while not high enough to make the gear something you gather via solo queue in a couple of days either.

Danyil gets it. Might as well change their name to EA games at this point… Actually, I think EA might have a little more integrity hehe. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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