Lvl 70 Honor Gear

I did cap honor day 1 and i just now finished grinding 100 of each mark . Im pretty sure i would have still reached honor cap after doing all that even after the nerf. I played for 3 days straight almost to get 100 of each mark. Do i still deserve to lose my 75k ? Or am i a rare insane case?


With AB weekend and the “Double Honor” event we’re getting about 1000 honor per win in our AB premade. I grinded 15k honor, fairly casually, this evening. You could absolutely hit the 75k cap in the 13 day prepatch having never queue’d a single time during the first day. Did those folks get crazy honor for very little time / effort? Sure. Great for them - they were in the right place at the right time. But you’re making it sound like that was the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY to honor cap before June 1st.

Grind it out like the rest of us. If you spent half the time in AB that you spend crying on the forums about an “unfair advantage” you would be halfway to the cap yourself.




This doesn’t even make sense at this point. They would have had to do this on Tues or Wednesday morning. Now, people have also been queue’ing all day Wed, Thurs, Fri and Saturday. You want to wipe 5 days worth of people’s honor gains?

It might have been reasonable to honor wipe like the moment Blizzard found out there was a bug. Or maybe slashed that held honor by 75% or something. But now you’re essentially campaigning for Blizzard to take 40-80 hours worth of people’s honor grind away from them too? Honor that wasn’t even gained during “the bug”?


Like I said. I grinded out 15k honor this evening. I would very much like to keep that honor. It has nothing to do with the shenanigans earlier this week.


Not sure what the bigger bottleneck is between honor and marks. I currently have 100 ab 100 av and 48 wsg with about 55k honor.

Yup, totally unfair. I was planning to play TBC but this is a clear unfair advantage, so I am not going to play.


Fixing the honor bug during pre patch was 100% the right call. A percentage of players will go into P1 of TBCC with a PvP advantage, which is frustrating, but it’s a hell of a lot better than the entire player base dinging 70 and skipping a huge chunk of the early game gear grind. Hopefully P1 is a good length of time, so the players who did not grind BGs during the bug will be able to catch up and enjoy the patch with those who did, though considering how erratic Blizz has been lately I am not optimistic.

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You fail to mention that even if you did play before honor got nerfed, you still need eots marks. Meaning you’re going to be playing bgs at 70, gaining little to nothing from level 70 honor because you’re already near capped. You have two full weeks to grind marks and honor in pre patch. If two weeks isn’t enough, you were probably expecting and hoping for something much more low effort.

You honestly think the people who honor capped day one, wouldn’t of put the time in to cap if it was nerfed honor from the get? Come on man, they did it because they’re serious about the game and will do anything to have even the slightest advantage, not because it was easy or exploitative.

This whole boost meta / pre patch meta has created a mind set where people believe they should be able to obtain gear on par to others who have been playing the game for literal years, with extremely low effort. It’s mind boggling to me how anyone could spend the last two years raid logged in their t1, or pay $70 and be upset that you have two weeks to grind out marks and honor. Just put in the time man. And if you don’t have the time, then two weeks before the expansion released was probably not the most opportune time to decide to start playing the game.


Yup, people with honor cap from the bug have a SIGNIFICANT advantage during season 1 via buying all the resilience gear.

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No one “abused” anything though. Anyone who PvP’d before the extreme nerf had no idea that was going to happen. That’s not to say people who played post-nerf aren’t at a major disadvantage, but don’t blame the players who just happened to queue up prior to that. The best course of action would have been to simply revert back to the 10x for the remainder of the pre-patch, but that’s on Blizzard.


I’m sorry but I fail to see your point
 You can simply buy the pieces that don’t require EOTS marks and then farm EOTS for marks/honor. I didn’t get to play the first night and I have been grinding since, I am at 40k honor now which other plays managed to do in a fraction of the time I’ve spent and I still don’t think that’s fair


Truth be told, youll both have 75k honor and 100 marks of each by the time youre 70.

Also, honor doesnt matter if you have no marks. Gear is still gonna cost like 30 marks of one bg, you realize that right? Meaning, the people that got honor fast doesnt really matter since the speed of bgs are the same

ok so im tryin to figure this out. I dont play classic, well i did for the first month got to level 57 on a priest and priest is probably my least fav class to be honest so im not gonna continue it. So ill be starting on June 1st with a fresh level 58. I want to arena and do BGs and only raid/dungeon the min amount just to get any BiS off pieces, how much of a disadvantage am I at? I am medically retired so I can play 15 hours a day if i want to, so time isnt an issue. Im hearing different things, is there no honor cap like on retail? wont i be able to grind a bunch of marks/honor on my way to 70? also i was under the impression that the arena season wasnt starting immediately at launch? Kinda sucks people get a head start. Does every expansion let you roll over honor from the last one? Even though ive played every xpac from TBC to SL I have never started one at launch. I always say im quitting this game forever and then a month or so after a new xpac ill make the mistake of watching a YT video of the new xpac and start playing again. Can I catch up by playing 12+ hours a day ?

Don’t matter when honor seems to be bugged at the moment.

You will absolutely catch up playing 12+ hrs a day. The honor cap is 75k, unless you are aiming for the top 1%then you really have nothing to worry about. Although if you want to start I’d advise you to start now instead of waiting till June 1st

I didn’t abuse the day 1 honor and I just hit 75k honor tonight with a whole week left for my PvP alt. (10 hours per day played)

Stop spending your time on the forums complaining and get that honor cap. AV weekend is going to give 1.4k honor per win.

Good luck fellow pvper!

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I’m sorry but what is your point? I didn’t play day 1 either and I’m at 40k honor rn
 It literally takes me less than 30 seconds to read and make a reply. The point is it’s still not fair that people got to exploit a bug with or without intention and trivialized the grind that others have to go through

Plus consider the fact that not everybody gets to play for 10 hrs a day and some people have to sit through hours of queues just to play which takes away from their limited play time
 Not sure where you were going with that argument.

Its going to be so funny if they do a honor wipe.

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That’s ridiculous. The whole set should cost a fraction of that.

My point is this week gives less honor than next weeks AV weekend will. (75k in 10 hours per day played)

So if you played 5 hours a day this week for your PvP set, then the 1.4k honor per AV win next week will make you able to get your 75k cap before TBC launch.

If your next argument is “it’s not fair that you can play more than me and get your gear faster.” Then you really shouldn’t be playing MMORPG’s or I guess not setting unrealistic goals.