LvL 50 trial characters completing mage tower

You can’t help people if you haven’t even experienced the fight with Unholy.

You can’t just lolstorm and lolwind your way to victory as Unholy.

Then explained how I was able to help them and they give me a like because I helped them with the fight?

Where were you when that was going on… ohhh right you were complaining about the CC with useless complaints that didnt even matter.

I don’t think you really helped anyone from reading your post. You seem to think the fight goes like Fury, which is really not the case. Same for FDK and Arms.

No, I was actually getting experience on these fights from more than the easiest of the easiest of specs.

Then you are having as much trouble understanding that post than you are with its the same fight. Ive explained multiple times what I mean by the same fight and here you are still stuck on it like that jaded wife trying to win an argument.

You were complaining about the CC.

Are you going to give me an achievement and pay me for doing something that would be a waste of my time on a class that I dont like the rewards for? Beyond that you are just wasting your time and you should just shut up now.

And you’ve been told multiple times that it’s not. It plays differently, it feels different.

From people with actual experience.

Maybe it’s time to stop typing and start reading and considering you don’t actually know what you’re talking about here.

This more than anything marks you as a troll. What does discussing more than 1 topic have to do with any of this ?

No, but I’ll keep calling you out about not knowing what you’re talking about until you’ve actually experienced it.

Oh, so then you admit the mechanics are different?

Yes, it plays very differently.

I’m not the one having issues admitting that here. You keep saying “it’s the same fight”. It’s really not. It feels very different.

It’s not hard to admit you’re wrong because you never tried it. Like you’re on your computer now, log in and go do 2-3 attempts on it and just see for yourself instead of this doubling down on being wrong you’re doing.

So the Umbra imps do different things based on the class you are on? Imp Servants do different things? Smoldering Imps? Dark Void? Fuming Imps?

All those do something different because thats what you are saying by the mechanics are different.

You can’t just bladestorm all your problems away no.

Answer the damn question. So those things do something completely different based on your class?

Your class does something completely different to handle it.

You’re just playing on semantics here. Yes, the fights don’t play the same at all for different classes. That’s what everyone is telling you.

Im not playing semantics here, you are creating a strawman because you dont want to answer the question being asked.

Do the mechanics change based on the class you enter with, for example, do Umbra Imps do something different based on whether you enter with an Unholy DK or a Fury Warrior, and if your answer is yes what do they do differently?



Ok, slowly now : You deal with them DIFFERENTLY. It CHANGES how the fight FEELS. GO TRY IT.

You still arent answering the question. I dont know why its so hard for you. Ive even spelled it out and you still cant answer it.

You are being argumentative and a troll just to be argumentative and a troll.

I literally answered it 5 times.

You just can’t accept you were wrong on this one.

Dude, look in a mirror sometime, you’re literally the one who derails every DK thread by arguing about things you have no knowledge about.

You answered if an imp does something different based on the class that you enter with? Ive yet to see a yes or no answer to that.

Long story short for this thread. Kel is a troll and whines a lot. There ya go. Now you don’t need the read the other 56 comments.


Yeah, ok. Trolling doesnt mean someone you disagree with, but whatever you have to tell yourself to stay sane.

Give yourself a nice Christmas gift and just put them on ignore. It makes this forum 1000x better.

Click their name > View activity > Click where it says “Normal” and change it to “ignore”.

Happy 2022 everyone!


Guild name checks out.

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