And? Thats not in dispute.
The fight being the same is just that, the fight is the same. In the Agatha fight, umbra imps spawn which makes Agatha invulnerable as long as they are alive right along with making it to damage her shield… yes thats correct.
Fuming imps are still presence and if you dont kill them or move them to a non important spot in the lane they create slow areas… yeah thats correct too.
Imp Servants are still present as well that heal Agatha… yeah thats still there as well.
Smoldering Imps are still there right to be something that you can kind of ignore up to a point… oh right they still exist too.
She still does Dark Void right… exactomundo!
Still shadow damage that you have to move on based on the imps that are killed… yep.
Boulders are still there on p2? Yep
How about the fel lava patches… yep.
So who cares about some difference in scaling, maybe thats there because class mechanics are different from class to class and thats the only way to “balance” it from class to class.
There is also a difference between impossible, and it being a challenge.
The DK rewards arent worth it for me, and the rewards arent worth it for many people to actually even really bother with it. I got the one set that I wanted to get and im done with the mage tower. Keep complaining to blizzard, they will eventually cave and everyone will get the sets. So sick of this “hand me everything” mentality of WoW players. Make my class easier, make my class rank 1 without anyone having to put forward any effort, this is too challenging I want to get the transmog set in less than 5 minutes and it would be nice if all I had to do was look at Agatha and she tremble in fear and commit seppuku by seeing our greatness!
People have been doing it all over the place. Its not impossible. Has anyone looked to see if they were tuned differently from class to class in Legion? Or are they just looking at it now and deciding to whine about it?