Lunar Preservation quest bugged

Blockquote[quote=“Chesa-bronzebeard, post:19, topic:423609, full:true”]
I was having this same issue with Mount Hyjal. I reset my UI and that seemed to fix it. I followed the instructions on the link, logged in, and got credit for the last one I needed. Hope it works well for you! And now to reinstall all my addons again :l

Did not work for me.

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Ashenvale bugged. Stood with a large crowd of players while we tried to figure out how to fix it, most left. Hopefully they’ll offer quest completion at least to the players that report it, being that the quest is time limited and also time consuming.


Didn’t work for me either

Gonna throw in with my fellow players. Multiple zones didn’t work. Reloading UI didn’t help. Removing the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders didn’t help. And I’ve done basically every quest ever made, so, it’s not that I’m incomplete in a zone.

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Always my favorite when people come in and proclaim it MUST be the user.

Hey did you guys check to make sure your computer is plugged in?

Quest doesnt work. Posting for outrage but hey old news, something doesnt work in 8.3, used to it now during our live test of the patch.


Yeah, gonna have to wait for a hotfix :confused:

Mt Hyjal didn’t work until I completed the stupid neck quest there.

But then a few wells later it bugs again.

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I’m not going to f-up my interface on a chance it might fix the problem. Been there, done that. This is ridiculous.


Someone at the moonwell on my server told me to do the Hyjal moonwell last because it bugs the others, and at the very least that worked for me. Maybe it’ll help others until a proper fix is implemented.


Odd thought I am going to do the moonwells in the order the quest lady listed them, and do Hyjal last…hope this works.

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Eh, i did Stonetalon after Hyjal, and then Fereals didnt work.

Okay this may help and work for others, the quest giver lists the moonwells in an exact order. Ashenvale-2 > Felwood > Feralas > Moonglade > Stonetalon Mntn> Duskwood > Mt Hyjal last! and all be dammned it worked for me. If anything I do hope it helps, maybe at least do not do Hyjal but till the very end. :3


Same problem here!! Super let down. We just wanted forever flower crowns Blizz!

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I was having an issue with completion, too. But I followed the advice of doing Hyjal last, and it worked for me.

I just tried doing Hyjal last and it did not work, I am stuck there now.

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Hmm. Is it possible you missed any? There are two in Ashenvale, for instance.

no I have 7/8

Okay I got it! BUT IMPORTANT! If you are on the azerite neck quest you are confirmed (by me lol) phased and it will not work. Finish the quest and turn the quest in all the way at the Chamber and then go back to Hyjal and you should be able to complete. That is what just worked for me :D! Glee! There should be Keeper Ramulous standing near the lake and rock elementals in the area, this is the phasing I’m in to complete it.


Ah, ok. That kinda makes sense. Well, I’m glad you got it figured out.

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I did Moonglade first, flew down to Feralas then came up. Felwood, then Duskwood and LAST was Hyjal. Hyjal has to be last. Hope that helps. This toon did not have azerite necklace, brand new 120.

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