Lunar Preservation quest bugged

me and 4 others were in the moonwell in Feralas unable to activate the staff.


Nope, ignore that part. Wouldn’t affect Feralas.

Have you tried a UI reset to rule out corrupt display files?

Me and a group having the same problem in Ashenvale


Yup. Im in Ashenvale now, and its bugged as well.


Also bugged in Duskwood on Wyrmrest Accord for most. Though seen a few able to channel it. Have tried reloading, relogging, etc.


Tried turning off war mode, did not work. Duskwood moonwell swarmed with alliance that appear to have the same issue. Like over a dozen of them,


Again, give this a shot to rule out corrupted display files, especially after the confirmation that some people are able to do it. Reloading and disabling addons won’t undo any damage they already caused.

If, after the reset, the same thing is continuing, then you’ll want to post in the Bug Reports forum for QA to investigate.

Or it’ll just be moved there. /wave

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The simple fact that im standing with 6 other horde, and about 20 alliance, in a moonwell, all unable to do the quest, shows its not a UI issue.


It’s happening to multiple people, reset or no…and on many accounts, and many servers…It MUST be only on our ends…We are just that powerful, we broke the code we are neo -eyeroll Maybe let a CSR or GM respond instead of all the guys who think they are…


Stonetalon bugged as well


Feralas and Duskwood were both bugged for me

Edit: Some people have been able to complete it. Maybe its the order you do it in that bugs it? I dunno just throwing out ideas

Double edit: It worked for me by doing the Mount Hyjal one last.

Proof: This perfectly matched flower crown


Im logging out in a moonwell, to hopefully not have to redo the whole thing. The buff doesnt drop if we log out, right?

Logout does not remove the buff thankfully


I did that in stonetalon, no effect.

I did a relog, nothin. I HS and fly back, nope, well lets try WM on luck, how about I ride in threw the way low levels do? -sighs

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I abandoned the quest and started again, i successfully completed TWO moonwells, now they don’t work again.


Yeah 15 min on the buff, and looks like not much for a work around in sight.

Duskwood’s bugged for me. Gonna try the others first.

I was having this same issue with Mount Hyjal. I reset my UI and that seemed to fix it. I followed the instructions on the link, logged in, and got credit for the last one I needed. Hope it works well for you! And now to reinstall all my addons again :l

This is so frustrating. I see others doing it but I cannot myself, and this is the last step. Am I really going to have to do this all over again? What a waste of time.