Lucid Minor Still Broken for Frost

The hotfix on January 29th did not Fix the Lucid Dreams minor for Frost mages. It states :

Heart of Azeroth

  • Corrected an issue with Memory of Lucid Dreams (Essence) that caused Frost Mages’ icicle buff counter and visual display to sometimes not match up when using its on-use effect.

This effect is not an On use. It’s the minor not the major that was interacting incorrectly. This effect is a passive that happens randomly from any spellcast. The minor is acting very weird. Some of the time you will get a buff from it and a physical icicle over your character or only get the icicle and not the buff. Its very frustrating trying to cast glacial spike with 5 icicles over your head but not enough icicle buffs to allow it.


I can confirm that this is NOT fixed and still frequently bugs out, causing some irritation when you see that you have a bf proc and at 4/5 icicles, launch a bolt, and then try to do a spike and the game says “nope”. it is especially annoying when buffs are up like hero, icy veins, and anything else, cause there went a gcd of you hitting a non active button. you could look at the counter on icicles for buffs, but let’s be realistic, blizz puts visual indicators in the game for a reason, so just fix this.


Ya, its sad really. It isn’t like we are the best performing spec or anything… Just spam slow fall on yourself to see the brokeness. You’ll eventually get the verse proc, an icicle and the heal but the stack isn’t applying for the gs count. This is more than just visual and they refuse to adjust it or dedicate more than an hour going over anything for frost. We are under performing so much and need a serious quality of life make over. All classes should be treated equally and it is very very clear that this is not the case.

Edit: added SS, This is more than just cosmetic.
imgur (dot) com/a/jimkjBc


Tried to add screenshots, won’t let me post links. :frowning:

I am hoping they fix this soon, it is really aggrivating!


Please update the thread here so it’s on the devs Radar. They do not read our class forums.

I posted on it :slight_smile:

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