Loyalists unite

You sided with the Alliance and everyone who betrayed Sylvanas called themselves traitors. Most Sylvanas Loyalists are still in the Horde, the traitors are aware they’re not good people either but didn’t want to slaughter those who have loyalty to the Horde.

“The Horde is nothing. You are all nothing.” - Sylvanas Windrunner, shortly before abandoning Orgrimmar.


The choice you made in the Hall of the Brave… I don’t hold it against you. We each did what we thought was right.

Leave it in the past. What matters now is how we reunite the Horde. This is how we start. - Eitrigg

No NOOO. Get angry at me damn it! How many more must I help kill before I must pay for the consequences for my actions?


Nobody can hold you accountable, until you hold yourself accountable.
-Old Pandaren Saying


I told you I’d shake Anduin’s hand while covered in the blood of the innocent.

Didn’t I?

I killed them all, and got away with it too. I. Am. Horde.


<3 Oh bright star in dreary dark, thank you for your gentle glimmer.

I don’t get why you’re linking a random quote that came about at the conclusion of an event that had no influence in your decision to go traitor but sure, you do you.

A random quote that completely vindicates every single person who pointed out that Sylvanas does not care about the Horde. A random quote that vindicates my decision to rebel against Sylvanas. Yes, I will continue to do me thank you very much. hehe.


If anyone actually thought their choice was going to matter in the long run, they were just deluding themselves. The rest of us knew it was all going to lead to the same place regardless. That’s why you play all available routes with multiple toons, you get to see all the sides to the story.



That’s how it works in like 99% of single player games too. It still plays out 95% the same. At best you get an epilogue that describes how your events changed the world.

But to expect that the “villain choice playthrough” is going to result in some kind of canon permanent victory in a long running multi-player game? Especially one that was added after the fact? That suggests a lack of awareness of how game design works.


Imagine being so delusional that you think siding with Thrall and Saurfang is siding with the Alliance. :joy: :rofl:


Literally marched on Orgrimmar side-by-side with the Alliance, took orders from Anduin and collaborated in sieging Orgrimmar against the Warchief.

Still thinks he’s Horde.


Sylvanas straight up admitted to not caring about the Horde. As soon as she bugged out, the siege on Orgrimmar pretty much stopped.


No you didn’t. I literally just did the quests. You get them all from Saurfang.


That was fun. It’s a shame we weren’t allowed to kill him though.

Who was taking orders from Anduin.


No, he wasn’t.


For someone who just did the quests, you didn’t seem to pay attention to the dialogue of Anduin telling Saurfang everything.

But you’re a special case so I’ll forgive you.

That’s the most satisfying thing I’ve seen all year. This would be the fate of your player characters if you declared your loyalty to Sylvanas in the current Horde. You loyalists chose what was obviously the bad ending and now you have to deal with the consequences. I’m dealing with the consequences of siding with Saurfang: I did the right thing, was victorious, and I don’t have to hide my loyalty from anyone.


This is silly.

You’re silly.

Also possibly mentally unhinged.

I don’t regret the choice I made and have enjoyed playing from the loyalist side of the story. I wasn’t expecting the “bad guys” to win, but doing things from their perspective was a fun change of pace from the usual moral high ground my character always gets lumped into regardless of how they would behave in a situation. It would be nice if on Alliance side I had a similar option to side with Tyrande/Genn or the rest of the Alliance in regards to the horde. Being chaotic can be just as fun as doing the right thing.

So I’m still enjoying the loyalist side of things. I got to kill horde dissenters, drag an orc through the streets after beating him silly, and nearly sabotage the rebel’s efforts. Even after Sylvanas abandons the horde, she still sends for me to praise my loyalty and still hasn’t stabbed me in the face. I think that’s pretty good for what the Devs can get away with doing. I am a little disappointed that the only ones who know of my working with Sylvanas is gonna be in denial about it. (Eitrigg)