Loyalists unite

Who else enjoyed going around Orgrimmar and basically being Nazgrim?

It’s a shame the rest of the story is about going "haha! you suck!’ but everything prior to that and even the Ghostlands bit afterwards was pretty decent.

Dragging Eitrigg through the streets and citizens threw fruits at him was great.

I hope there’s more Loyalist stuff in the future that isn’t just the writers going “HAHA YOU SUCK” repeatedly.


I reckon it’ll be brought up again every now and then for the rest of the expansion, though very unlikely in a positive manner.

The writers don’t seem that fond of those who chose Sylvanas.


saurfang route was the original route. There was no way sylvanas was going to remain warchief.


I love orcs and getting to act a little evil so dragging poor Eitrigg around was very very conflicting.

Oh for sure. You folks mad them do a bunch of extra work to make sure Sylvanas stans would have something at the end of all this.

Though I do have to agree with Doc’s thoughts from the Discord. Sylvanas left in the end because she saw that even those loyal to her would only go so far. The head tilt from the flag bearer, while an utterly melodramatic way of showing this, was probably the intent.

Honestly if 8.3 isn’t just jumping headlong into N’zoth stuff and saving Sylvie for another day expect foreshadowing for when even the most strident loyalists will be getting their head tilt moment.


Ok so what happens to the players who chose to side with Sylvanas every step of her evil path? Are they just going to be discarded and pretend nothing happened?

Nor should they be. She has literally never, ever, ever, ever been loyal to the Horde.


Like always they forgive, or pretend nothing happens. I’m pretty sure Loyalist are hit with a “Hey it’s in the past, you only did what you thought was right I can understand that, but now more than ever we must unite.”


Some loyalists are getting rounded up and in chains. Liadrin led a battalion around the city to uncover N’zoth followers or Sylvanas loyalists.

Those who renounced Sylvanas are forgiven, those who don’t are arrested.


He was asking about the PC, blizzard wouldn’t put the PC in chains or lock them up for the rest of the patch until they denounce Sylvanas.

Honestly they be better of deleting some of the peoples characters like one dev or higher up wished would happen, than some people actually denouncing her.


So at the end all the choices they made meant nothing because they all led to the same point. Blizzard just played with the player base by making them think their choices matter. How low…


It’d be kinda funny, we’d see some players leave them there forever.

Guess heroes get a free pass.

It never had to matter. To me, the true nature of the choice should be to let us see both sides. We didn’t get that with Garrosh, but we got part of that with Sylvanas.

I’ve never thought the choice could have, or even should have, had an impact on the story. It was about how we view the story and the nature of it that mattered, not altering it.


You get away completely clean, no one the wiser. Sylvanas explicitly says that if they knew you were loyal you’d be either in chains or dead.


Even better than that…Eitrigg (and presumably Zekhan) just decides not to out you as a loyalist. As far as anyone knows the loyalist characters were always a rebel.


Pretty sure we all knew none of the choices really mattered when every step of the way it was always
“Hey champion loyal to me, just roll with it”
“Don’t worry I know you’re loyal to me, just play along”
“Hey don’t worry about killing our own, it’s all part of the plan”
with legit no noticeable difference what so ever that wasn’t super super minor.


I doubt it. Geya’rah was also a loyalist, and she’s was up there with the others for the funeral and stuff.

I doubt they don’t know you were a loyalist.

No, they literally do not know. Go watch the loyalist ending, the quest line confirms this.


Oh that’s weird. Hrm.

Is the ending post-Sylvanas screwing off or before?

Tbh even if they found out the PC was loyal, lore wise I don’t think they’d do anything to you considering “Technically” the pc has been through just about every campaign in WoW and is a veteran and valuable asset to have, usually getting things done when others couldn’t.

Looks like the Sylvanas loyalists all had a meeting and sent out a memo to act like this is what they wanted the entire time and to act like they now dislike and belong to neither the Alliance or Horde.

Cool, you’re a loyalist but now you can stop acting like you are Horde because being a loyalist has been clearly defined now as being anti-Horde. Nothing matters to the loyalist except for death.