Loyalist should be allowed

You know that boss in Stonecore that has those dozens of cultists in front of them? Like that.


Yup. Blizz said “nope the loyalists don’t like her now. deal with it”

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Until blizzard is living in my body and mind they can’t put words in my mouth or I’ll have to show em I’m still loyal via actions like scamming ppl who betrayed her


Loyalists would have the Undercity, after we clean it up. We just need a few thousand bottles of Febreze.


I mean why live there when you can live under the tunnels Garrosh made in Orgrimmar? Use up all that space from SoO.

whyyyyyyyyyyy would she return to something she called nothing?


Sure, go ahead. I never pass up an opportunity for more target practice.

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meh…ain’t buying it chief. It’s cool if you believe thats gonna happen. Not gonna shame you

Plz ur a goblin throw 5 gold coins on the ground and you would lick my boots without a fight

Part two of that is the guards should shoot the loyalists.

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Nah, baby cakes. Even I have standards, you couldn’t pay me enough to lick your ‘Loyalist’ boots.

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There should have been a legitimate path forward for those of us who wanted to follow that story arc.

Instead we get hur dur she turns on the Horde and you just go back as though it never happened.

If that pathetic ending was what they had in mind the entire time they should have never even put the option in in the first place. Especially since the whole time we were being “loyal” to her we really weren’t.


Sure you would for the right price and if that fails I could make ur goblin family my undead slaves lol

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Good luck shooting me through a army of ghouls and skeletons

I’ve played DK, they aren’t invincible.

Nah, Champ. You’re about as scary as a wet paper bag.


You know just the fact that I beat the crap out of Eitrigg(I a fair fight so my victory would have been considered honorable in the eyes of kalimdor horde). But that I didn’t kill him which is expected rather I dragged him bloody and beaten in chains through the streets if the city to humiliate him…and that I got away with it! No consequences whatsoever! My pandaren is a bad bad shaman who does bad bad things. She doesn’t deserve all the praise and respect she gets. Even Nathanos knee that.


I fully support and encourage this option.

Which is stupid cause not even cult leaders lose all their followers lol. Even Velonara mentions that many Dark Rangers left with Sylvanas.

Why can’t I be one of those?