Lower Kara is cancer

Meh, it’s alright, last boss is just annoying. ID has easy bosses and trash cheese.

too tight of a timer.

it’s apiece of cake thats why you see many players with either a high gambit streets or iron docks as there only high key get outta here.

Look who needs to get over himself. You just contradicted yourself too. Lower is 1 or 2 key levels harder. The same as SD or ToP was the last 3 seasons. There hasn’t been a season where they are all even. It is harder, but not broken.

I suggest you get good.

Just came 2 under on a 22, we missed a whole Iron Star, and we didn’t do Eye of the Beast cheese pull. On top of that, Tank did a weird pull with 2 Clefthoof and a Rylak and positionned them in a very hard spot to Line of Sight, and we hero’d that, losing a ton of dps.

With better planning, we would have been 4 under easily. Monk also did terrible dps, coming under the healer on Oshir because he kept dying to wolves instead of waiting for Binding Shots/MDs.

It’s really not so bad.

22s aren’t the problem, the dungeon scales roughly

Iron Docks does in fact have the tightest timer and had the hardest trash before the massive nerfs.


I know, but with good planning, that 22 2 under could’ve been a 24 2 under. Pugs though. That missed Iron Star is a whole minute right there alone, tank was literally bringing a boat load of trash to it. He was pissed.

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on tyr weeks the bleed from the charge will still kill you w/ no defensives

also the trash w/ wranglers are brutal.

Here I am at almost 2200 io and pretty happy. Timed a 16 upper today but last boss was brutal

How about now? I just casually pugged into a +20 Lower. 20s across the board.


All my friends, my real friends left the game. Frankly i don’t want to be friends with most of the people I encounter playing now. I’ve done many lower Kara and completed it only once–ok maybe 6 attempts. I have had enough of it as it’s not worth the frustration. I mean the non-answer to this is run with a regular group. WTF regular and groups are not in the game right now.

backstage is faster than death skipping and better

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