Lower Kara is cancer

It’s like an exhausting workout and realizing you are still fat. Not fun…


It’s only as bad as the worst player in group. I still see people eat it to mechanics or overpull.

As much as it’s my least favorite dungeon it does make you a better player if you can learn to do it well


It just got another wave of nerfs

Basically almost every problematic thing was removed at this point lol


Yes, it is very bad. Here’s the extra nerfs from today, at least:

I suspect these changes will make it much more tolerable.

It really isn’t. It was nerfed into the ground yesterday. It’s time to up your game.

If anyone still struggles with Lower, then it is most definitely a learn to play issue.


Kara still had quite a few mechanics that can instantly wipe the group, but there’s at least counter play for it. It’s still the hardest dungeon, but not quite as hard as yesterday.

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I find diet to be more influential than workout routine for the purposes of weight loss.

Have you done Lower recently? I got a lot of nerfs yesterday.

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It’s been beaten with a nerf stick 2 weeks in a row, it shouldn’t be that bad anymore

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Did 23 yesterday and it felt like less pressure on the healer than usual. The tank pulled the entire room besides moroes though (what?) and we wiped. The tank cussed out the monk for not interrupting enough and left. People lol

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You are probably correct. But it would be nice if Blizz would learn from this experience and do a better job of picking/tuning future dungeons they plan to re-introduce into the M+ rotation. This week is another example of their lack of forethought as we run old dungeons that punish movement while we deal with Storming.

I know they won’t learn anything from this…but I am just saying it would be nice.

Oh for sure, clearly not enough tuning or testing was done

It’s still a mess. A lot of the problem is there doesn’t seem to be a lot of tanks that know how to tank it.

The other is it’s just too tight with too much trash with too many interrupts with too many stay away circles that are too large for how tight it is.

And the trash needs to be worth more percent. It’s the only dungeon I can think of where even without a lot of skips you can still have 10 minutes of trash after killing the last boss. I mean some dungeons can have a “get the last pack after the boss” situations but this can be “need to get an entire wing of the dungeon.”


Lower has too much trash. Either make the trash worth more percent or straight up remove some packs.


Why don’t people use the dungeon journal it’s literally the answer key.

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I’m watching people in 15s try to blow up Tony or the murloc while leaving the adds up to last. The fight becomes a straight tank n spank with “avoid the slow moving water” of you focus down the six adds first, I find.

Also, dh tank the other day kept pulling the second dinner guest down on Moroes with sigils, breaking everything free on two occasions before everyone left.

Umm, Lower Kara is still cancer, even after these marginal “hot fixes”. Blizz I know you are seeing the statistics behind the scenes. This dungeon is seriously not fun compared to other keys on the same difficulty. Reduce the trash, calm the forks on Opera, and bring the dungeon in line already…

Marginal? It’s been hit by the nerf sledgehammer multiple times.

S4: 20% have timed all dungeons at +15
S3: 22% have timed all dungeons at +15

That’s also with a season that ran for months.

Then why is it still your lowest rated key? You’ve done everything else at 20+ but your lower Kara is still at +17 on Tyr and barely pulled +20 on Fort.


I’d go with really bad allergies. Twice last night mobs from other floors came to wipe us. Didn’t stop us from timing, but irritating.