Lowbie Dungeons are hyper rough right now

Trying to level a Dinobear with Healers that don’t heal and ppl pulling way too much.


Is not that dungeons are overtuned, guardian druids are just trash right now and specially at lower levels


It’s been that way since level scaling was implemented. They’ve ramped up the mechanics since then to force new players to spontaneously learn mechanics. It hasn’t worked out that way. Most players just don’t do them anymore.

Leveling dungeons are pointless and annoying if you’re not a veteran player who wants to relive wiping with your friends like back in the old days.

I missed the part where he told you what level he was at. Guardians are okay after they get swipe, which is level 32 or so.

I don’t start my guardians tanking until they reach level 60 now, but that’s mostly because I don’t know those early dungeons and there’s no way to pick them up on the fly with the number of dungeons in the random queues now. They reach level 80 and no more tanking until draenor.


Some of the Classic dungeons are overtuned.

In wailing caverns, a random druid of the fangs lighting bolt will hit for 250. The bosses Lighting bolt will hit for 25.

Nothing to do with people not understanding mechanics like some write off, that is legitimately broken.


Wait, people pulling too much? Aren’t you the one that should be directing the pulls? Oh and FYI, healers don’t go out of their way to “not heal”.

If you’re not the best tank (learning) and the dps are in the same boat, why would you have different expectations of the healers? Take control, and you’ll be surprised how much better your tanking will be and how much easier the healers can keep the group alive.

wow, disheartening to say the least

Hold your horses. I’ve been busy lately with this toon that I haven’t been able to focus on my MW Monk. Also WW & BrM when it matters. I’ll be in the mix soon enough!

It sounds like you haven’t done any leveling dungeons in more than a decade.

Tanks do not “direct pulls”. It seems like you think they’re standing on the side with a clipboard handing out assignments.

Healers are way undertuned. I was always using my own healing to the max in leveling dungeons, as ironfur is useless until you reach level 90, and healers were often way behind.


This is very true. As soon as i got to BC/ WOTLK dungeons. My groups just steamrolled them without any issues at all

Did something change this patch besides more levelers?. Leveled a prot paladin last month for heritage and had zero issues.

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Most players just suck and can’t handle the most basic of things in dungeons.

This is exacerbated in LFD.

Leveling dungeons need more teeth (and maybe an xp boost).


Pfft good luck trying to get that to happen

And making no attempt to help people learn how to play better is going to help them how?

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The leveling experience is terrible all around right now. Dungeons are a nightmare and the open world is dead and lifeless with no challenge whatsoever. There is no way to make it a halfway decent experience.


I wish the Legion invasion stuff was still around so I could get xp by doing cool stuff in the world vs mindlessly questing/ wasting my life in dungeon queues.

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I dreaded every druid of the fang pull because I knew I would have to spam heals constantly on the random dps who got bolted. Those pulls with multiple druids who spam lightning bolt and sleep when I have no aoe heals yet are the bane of my existence.

You know what else is fun? That dire maul wing with the tree boss who summons all the unkilled tree adds to join in on the fight. It’s fun when you get groups who try to skip every trash mob and have a paper tank.

Yes, People pull too much. And there’s nothing you can do about it, directing pulls. Example A: Stockades is cramped full of hallways of mobs that if you over pull will wipe your group easily. As a Bear leveling up, it’s not the same as say a Warrior who is better easily able to handle such a thing when you are fine with one pull and then some over eagar dps decides to aggro Hogger and nearby Gnolls while you’re still fighting a group. And you def can’t control a Pet Class who forgets to dismiss their pet before jumping down in Gnomer.

As for the Healers just not healing? I’ve witnessed several healers on my bear decide they’d rather throw out DPS and leave me around 40-50% the entire run only to then just decide to sit there and not heal at all during bosses.

And no it’s not because I’m new to bear tanking, I’ve had a bear alt all the way since Wrath. Leveling Dungeons are way worse now then they were before.

Yea I think it’s the last stat squish was not kind.

this…especially pre swipe (32)

The fact that he says he’s leveling and lowbie dungeons maybe? reading comprehension

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