Lowbie Corps Camping on PVP realms

A nice /tickle or /wave hotkey goes a long way to getting some of the horde to not kill you.

Also,people with double digit IQ have the sense to go AFK if they see that they can’t run away after the 3d… top 5th kill.
Not for long, just 5-6 minutes.
By then the ganger either loses interest or doesn’t notice when you ress and you have time to escape lol

When you signed up for a pvp server, you signed up for a Game experience that involves the experience of being ganked and camped… If that isnt the experience you wanted there are servers that cater to you.

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It’s pvp, you’re on a pvp server. Quit whining.

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Pretty good troll. 7.5/10

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Git gud - buck up buttercup welcome to classic pvp


Reroll over to a pve server Would be my first answer.

The other is res and eat spirit sickness or work on a bank alt. What I do… bank alt been fishing and cooking when I get camped.


I though this was a recruitment post for the guild “Lowbie Corps” and we would go out and camp together.

Imagine my disappointment!


I did. I read your whole post. You’re missing the obvious part: when you rolled on a PvP server you elected to participate in non-consensual PvP. Corpse-camping has been around as long as there’s been MMO PVP… it’s not an aberrant behavior.

If you aren’t willing to participate in non-consensual PvP then role on a PVE server and flip your flag whenever you want to PVP.


I think classic is probably not the game for you. Either that or play on a PvE server.

No actually it means you are on the hook for as many deaths as you’re willing to rez through. On some level, it’s zone interruption, or harassment. Report it if you think you’ve been unfairly treated.

If some form of behavior gets to you, the only way to avoid it completely is to just not expose yourself to it.

Maybe you don’t like games… or maybe you do, but pragmatically at least understand that your interaction with said game is still better WITH bad people than not playing at all.

There is ALWAYS a way to get away. If you are getting camped “for over an hour” and you couldn’t figure out a way to escape then you probably need to pay more attention to your surroundings and plan your escape.

Spawn someplace out of sight from where you died, use rocks, terrain, bushes, water, etc… Mount up and ride away the second you’re up. Even if you dont have a mount yet you should still be able to run away. It’s really not hard to get away from someone even if they are trying to camp you, I don’t understand how some people have so much trouble with getting camped…

One thing that won’t happen though is Blizzard support doing anything about this or getting much sympathy from people on the forums.

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This is why i play on pve servers. I love battlegrounds and world pvp, but being ganked and griefed is no fun, and when i want to quest or level, i do not want to pvp.

Pvp server players have this sense of pride like leveling on a pvp server makes you tough… yeah no. You could be the toughest hombre around and you will still get beat down by a higher level toon. When yoy encounter players in your level range, world pvp can be fun but in my experience from leveling on a pvp server in vanilla, less than half the encounters fall into this catagory.


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If I had the time I’d create a /dance macro. I run back as quickly as possible, res, hit the key and dance while he killed me. I think that would probably take the fun out of it for him pretty quickly.

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Oh no, PvP on a PvP server


Pvp problems require pvp solutions. Next time bring in some friends and camp him back.

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Wrong. I have a lot of integrity and a PvP problem with a PvP solution is not harassment. You’re just whiny.

Whoever told you it is not against the TOS, was 100% correct.
The “Harassment/Griefing-Disrupting game play” part of the TOS.
Does not count on PVP servers. The camping would have to go on
for days, before anything will be done (if they will even then).
They make that very clear, and it is what you signed up for as
soon as you started playing on a PVP server.

OP, not to pile on here, but like… Your attitude here is exactly the problem with the playerbase that has led to the downfall that is retail wow.

You whine when things aren’t convenient for you… But whoever murdered you was merely giving you the exact world pvp experience that you -volunteered- for by choosing a pvp realm… There are a number of player oriented solutions to your problem that don’t involve you having a cry on the forums and in blizz cs tickets… Eat the spirit rez, change zones (or even layers of your sever still has them), play an alt, get good enough to win the fight (and yes that includes getting the levels and/or gear to compete) or just ask for help in zone chat and maybe meet some people along the way.

You have options available to you, so how about you just stop being so damn soft and start embracing them, rather than crying to mommy blizzard.


Gnomes are literally the 13/52% types of WoW.

They’re not the same