Lowbie Corps Camping on PVP realms

Hey Everyone,

I’m not usually one to complain however a recent interaction has left me questioning the integrity of blizzard. I was recently camped for over an hour by a player at least 6 levels higher then me. He was a rogue and just sat on my corps killing me on rez. Before you come back with “oh no PVP on a PVP server” hear me out. I get that playing on a pvp server means getting ganked or camped. 1,2 maybe even 5 kills. I get that. However killing a player instantly on rez for over an hour is considered harassment or griefing by everyone with a sense of integrity. I’m not going to try to understand how this is entertaining for someone or the lack of skill the people who do this have.

Obviously I reported this player to blizzard hoping they might interject. Before you say its not actionable here is the exact Quote from you EULA
Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.”

To my shock I was told this is not against the terms of service and they I should shower general chat for help from my allies as a resolution. I responded to that response saying that yes in fact it is against the End User License Agreement. To which I was told maybe you should try taking a break. I responded to that response with " your solution to a player preventing me from playing the game I pay $15 a month for is to not play the game I pay to play? My ticket was eventually forwarded to a manager who then said the following
“my name is (name removed), a manager for Customer Support, and your ticket has been escalated to me as the account listed above has continued to ticket in appealing our decision on a matter. At this time, we must ask you to adhere to the outcome we have provided. Continued contacts regarding this situation will not receive a response and may result in severe penalties for this account.”

So to sum this up. I got camped for an hour unable to play the game. Customer support tells me I should not play the game for a time as a solution. I push back on that and give clear evidence that it is in fact against the User agreement and I get threatened with severe penalties………



Nobody prevented you from playing the game.

Roll on a PvE server if it’s not fun for you.


Stop being stubborn and suck it up. Spirit res and go somewhere else.


would have loved to I hit rez and I was 1 shot every time for an hour.

No, but I mean it in a lighthearted way.

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Uh…no. I already started losing interest when you mentioned he was only 6 levels above you.

Blizzard is a business so they can’t have a sense of integrity. Checkmate.

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Look I think the real thing we need to be discussing here is how you’re a starting zone survivor, but apparently not a contested zone survivor.


you are the kind of person who complains about returning overdue library books


Spirit res or logout for 30 mins holy cow everyone has been camped before


this seems to be everyones solution if someone stops you from playing then don’t play. taking rez sickness is the same thing. why not just uphold the user agreement and stop a player from abusing the rules

Completely uncalled for. Enjoy your mute.


You gotta love the type of people this game attracts. Way to exemplify OPs point.

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uh oo the forum police are in full effect tonight boys… lul, what are you 3?

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The thing is they don’t have to uphold it because it technically didn’t break the rules, it didn’t have to disrupt your game when the spirit res option is there, you just didn’t use that option. That’s just how I see it


Yeah bro, I’m 3. You got me.

uh oo the forum police are in full effect tonight boys… lul, what are you 3?

You realize you actively wrote “lul” while calling someone else immature…right?


looked at your reply

then looked at your name

This is obvious

I did lul a time or two =)