Low Pop Servers-MERGE THEM!

Low population servers need to be merged. With all of the jumping around from different types of games of other players. We cannot transfer to full servers and then we are stuck on medium pop with 3k alliance that is apparently active

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They consolidated realms into clusters a very long time ago. There are six clusters, with Grobbulus and Deviate Delight (The RPPVP servers) existing independently.

Currently on grob sadly.

reroll on a populated cluster - grob has a community that prob isn’t interested in being clustered.

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“Reroll” is just another word for “Fresh.” (kind of)


A lot of us on Grob actually like our server being low pop. If you don’t, just transfer off to somewhere else. It’s currently free for you.

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This seems to be for Grobb Cata, for the server and faction your avatar is on. There’s a Cata forum for this. My post is assuming this.

I don’t agree that 3k ally is a bad population or even a “low pop” but the Blizzard dev who drove to destroy the SoD RP servers Lava Lash and Chaos Bolt, which also had thousands active when they did so, is on the side of “play on massive servers or unsub”.

So they are doing “something” for Cata that the old residents of Grobbulus may not like but the “I can’t get a pug at 2am and I only play for myself and to get gear!!!” types will probably enjoy.

Here’s what I mean:
Tom Ellis on X: “Haven’t forgotten about you Cata Classic, working on something more elegant than FCMs for you, but it does push the timeframe out quite a bit. Buuut, moving guild banks is really, really painful so seeing what we can do!”

This was posted on there before:
Tom Ellis on X: “Alright, finished doing a pass on realms in every region and flavour of WoW, floating my recommendations to some folks and hopefully will have some official news (forums/official account) on soon. With TWW Early Access tomorrow, I’m going to guess probably Friday!”

They put stuff on X first all the time these days, something else that I’m not a fan of.


I am so tired of devs not communicating with their playerbase on their own platforms, and I’m not signalling out WoW Devs here. It seems to be a chronic problem.

As for server mergers, I will reiterate as always, when Frostmourne ate all the oceanic servers on retail, many of us stopped playing. Server community and reputation was destroyed overnight and players stopped being people. 3k players is not a dead server, if a player wants a megaserver they should move to a megaserver, not take the entire server with them kicking and screaming.


That’s exactly right! Our guild would straight up quit the game if we got force merged. We love our micro server!! there’s even Free Character Moves OFF it if you’re not interested. The only place that doesn’t have FCMs in Era is Deviate Delight as their community leaders begged blizzard to turn them off to prevent farmers muleing mats (which tbh I wish we had them shut off too for the same reason but blizzard said they would not on Grobb).

Anyways, please do NOT merge our small servers and destroy vibrant communities who enjoy them.

I also have a feeling OP is talking about Cata grobb but I could be wrong.


I think of it in the context of, it’s not an official post, so they can post to their own personal accounts, or the alternative, not post anything.

Yeah. I’d add that the past couple of months of playing Cata Classic on Faerlina Alliance has opened my eyes up to many positives of being in a smaller community, as well as the benefits of being the lesser faction on an extremely unbalanced server. I don’t think anybody who plays here would prefer changes that dramatically impact populations.


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