Low Level Druid Flight Form

I leveled a Night Elf Druid to level 11 for twinking purposes. I also leveled a Worgen Druid to level 10 for the same reason. My lvl 11 Nelf druid only goes into stag or cheetah travel form outdoors. No bird, no flying unless I summon a flying mount. My lvl 10 Worgen Druid can shift into bird travel form. I’m not sure what the difference is. There weren’t any Druid trainer quests or anything like that.

My level 10 Worgen Druid somehow has Artisan Riding
My level 11 Nelf Druid has Journeyman Riding

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Also, I think you can only use dragonriding until level 20, where you can then switch to steady flying. So keep that in mind.


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