Low honor is making people quit

The loud, petty handful of these folks do not care, at all.


Because its mostly PVE carebears commenting on PvP threads.


Iā€™m not even bothering with bgā€™s with how broken the honor system is right now this is 100% not how it was in tbc originally i donā€™t care what people ā€œthink they knowā€ theyā€™re wrong


Itā€™s really bad. I came back to tbc for pvp but the queue times and honor just kill the fun. I was in 50 minute queues yesterday and ran into back-to-back premades. In the 2 hours I got 40 honor and 2 marks. I logged out and watched re-runs of Frasierā€¦ Yeah, I donā€™t think I will be sticking around for this. Blizzardā€™s silence says a lot. They clearly donā€™t give a F.


But thatā€™s not the meta.


Can you show me where you found the stats on players quitting? Inquiring minds want to know


I wish yā€™all could transfer. I am really against Horde vs Horde BGs though.

No, your friends need to adapt to the way the game is played

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Iā€™m one of those alliance players. I farmed the honor back in TBC, and I was insanely dedicated to this game, enough so to be a multigladiator. But this honor grind (even on alliance) is the dumbest garbage Iā€™ve ever seen. I canā€™t afford to sink 400 hours into honor grinding. Not only is it not realistic, ITā€™S NOT FUN.

This honor change is idiotic. Who cares if people could farm their crappy blue pvp set in a weekendā€¦ honestly? Let them. Nobody wants to BG for Arenaā€¦ letā€™s be realistic. Let us Arena without wasting endless hours in BGs. If I canā€™t even Arena because I have a job.


Because it isnā€™t. There isnā€™t something wrong with a game that takes a while to complete.

Some people might like that kind of thing. If you want to gear quickly, play retail. Iā€™m not throwing a jab here, seriously that game has what you like. I like games that are grindy and where I might not get everything.


just stopping in to say I know several pvp only friends who have quit over the queue times, bad games and horrible honor gains

If I was a serious pvper, I would have quit the game today after the 1h30m wait to queue into a premade and lose for only 29 honor

donā€™t claim to know what the solution is but pretending like itā€™s a faction v faction problem or that this is enjoyable for anyone isnā€™t the play


The honor grind is abysmal, no one is saying you should be able to get a set of honor gear in a weekend as some are implying, people dont want to grind 20 hours of bgs and farming lowbies to get a single piece of gear. Its absolutely mind numbing to spend 30 min in an AB 3-2 cap and get 150 bonus honor.


Thats not bad at all, whats bad is the hour long queues to BG properly so youre forced to kill levelers and people at summoning stones.

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the amount of alliance cringe in this thread is too dam high


The game is and always been stacked to Horde, so why should the AL players bother?


Yes 8-10 days played time to get a full blue set of gear just to be able to compete in arena is a jokeā€¦ it will be replaced fast yet i canā€™t even compete and you try to claim that it isnā€™t a issue?? i donā€™t mind grinding honor but not 8-10days played


Normally im all about high populations. But in this case, it is a matter of misplaced expectations. If players come to classic and expect it to be a casual experience, that is their buyers remorse and should either try out retail, or find a different game.

The grind is real, and should be expected. Either accept it, or move on till a less grindy classic expansion.



This is why honorbuddy became ubiquitous in wrath and forward, before blizz shut them down. I remember most BGs being mostly poorly scripted bots farming honor.

Sorry but youā€™re playing the wrong game.

This is tbc classic, where you had to grind towards objectives and no you canā€™t just grind out a blue pvp set of gear in a weekend, that was never the intention.

We did arena in a lot of pve gear in season 1 - you can too