The reason the queues are 50+ minutes are because not enough alliance are queueing compared to horde.
Why? Because they play one pug game and lose, and realize, this aint worth it for a measly 100 honor per game. Especially with instant queues, it makes them feel they can do it at any time of day but they dont, because its really not worth it and a waste of time if you are not doing it to have fun.
For us horde its even harder to get any sort of honor because of the long queues.
Either increase honor gains or decrease required honor to obtain gear.
The blue starter pvp gear is complete trash. Not worth spending honor over. At this time the 20+ resil trinket is the only one worthy of buying.
But when season 1 ends and the gear ends up costing honor, no one will be able to afford it and battlegrounds will be dead.
If a gear costs 20,000 honor, it will require 2000 kills solo, or quite literally 10,000 group kills since each one awards 2 honor max when 5+ teammates are around.
Its whatever because people are gonna quit playing battlegrounds altogether when they realize there is no incentive.
What happened to playing the game for fun?
/bye more horde that leave the better
I’ve got three friends (alliance) that only resubbed for arena and pvp. They’re on the edge of quitting due to the insane honor grind.
Please fix it blizzard. Even if it’s how it was in original TBC this needs to be changed
“because its really not worth it and a waste of time if you are not doing it to have fun”
If people quit the queues will get better for those that remain 
It’s not fun to spend 30 minutes for a loss and effectively waste all of your time.
“I found out that I can’t get a full set of gear in a weekend so I am quitting”
Not asking to get a full set in a weekend, 1 hour que times are not good for the game and it’s not healthy this isn’t wanting free gear handouts, the gear is literally unobtainable unless you were lucky during the pre patch x10 honor gains that got fixed
There was literally a bug giving specifically Alliance less honor than intended. Knowing Blizzard, this bug is still active.
" * The Alliance now receive the correct amount of bonus honor in Eye of the Storm."
The fact this bug even exists is suspect.
How can we all not agree that this isn’t healthy for the game? and it’s just bad for the playerbase and needs a solution
Just like horde outnumbering alliance at every summon stone? Every quest area? Farming spots? Queue times are an incentive for players to fix a player made problem, because for everything else outnumbering the other faction is a massive advantage.
Oh, that’s a shame, you really shouldn… Wait, Horde players are quitting? Sorry, I almost gave a f***.
I completely get that and it’s why I’m not on a pvp server. My old pvp server in classic and tbc original was like that. Its why I went pve a d never looked back.
I play both sides so yea the que hurts on my horde too but not on my alliance. I left pvp servers to get away from wpvp drama now it’s thrown in my face just cause I want instance bg.
I didn’t play classic so I didn’t know all this ba happened. Seems like wpvp drama is death of wow classic and has been for a while.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the overbloated faction has quitters…waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
it’s not because of low honor, it’s because horde grossly outnumber alliance, and the ratio becomes even worse when you just count people that like to pvp.
They could make it so you get a new piece of gear every day, even if every alliance player joined the queue for that reason, horde times would still be an hour, or more because that’s how much horde pvp players outnumber alliance pvp players.
The honor grind is laughably slow at the moment. It requires you to PvP for over 200 hours to complete the honor set.
part of this games fun has always been gear. and honestly i enjoy bging alot but the que times are so bad it makes them not fun.
You do realize Alliance PvP players will quit over this too, right? The honor gain is same for all of us.