Love Witch Transmorg

Why not? I do LOL!

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It’s not actually a visual glitch. The appearance tab shows one certain wrist— it just so happens to be the wrist without the mog on it. Maybe someday they’ll swap wrists to show

Remove your gloves.

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Really now? Huh. I did not actually know that. Thank you for the info :dracthyr_heart:


As a Kul Tiran male, the Love Witch set looks hella hot on me.

Can’t wait to max out my tendies for it.

For real, though… the stockings and miniskirt on a female KT or pandaren do things for me, idk why you see it as bad.


I feel seen.


This is my Kul’Tiran mage.



Klinger, is that you?

It’s perfectly ok to have conversations with the voices in your head. The problem is when you lose arguments to them. Or have them out loud, what goes on in your head should stay in your head. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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This is a problem?..

Oh dear!


Looks great. I’m not a personal fan of the KT model myself, doesn’t look very naturally chubby. The Proportions are a bit off to me. But the mog is good :smiley:


I found a use for the skirt. It actually works pretty well with the Gossamer Magenta Gown (a chest piece). It’s difficult to find a leg piece that doesn’t mess up the open sides of the
gown, but for some reason the skirt doesn’t.

I love the new sets, they’re super cute but the hearts on the sides are so tacky cause you can’t wear literally anything else with the outfit besides the full set. I prefer to wear pieces of different sets and make my own unique transmog which it looks awful if you try to mix this set with other transmog items :frowning:

I do love making Paladins complain about how the light burns