I have no likes, so take this, please
Sounds like a plan.
Ugh I wish WoW Had heels for our transmogs. XD Armored boots with heels look great.
So the other night, when I was getting screenshots with the new mog, the hubby came into our gaming room and apparently had a conversation with me. I was too busy putzing around with Narcissus and said, “… what?” He just kinda looked at me and replied, “Oh… transmog screenshots. Nevermind, I’ll let you be.”
I felt bad. lol
Tyrande had them! I call shenanigans that we don’t.
that’s pretty funny to me. funny and endearing…again, no likes left, so
SAME! My Reaper in FFXIV Rocked some badass armor heels.
Sailor Moon anime vibes.
she speaks to me and her inner voices speak to me too
TP having trouble? lol.
just bought three of the wrists and they dont show up on any characters list of wrist mogs.
Should have got 2-ply.
Lol…now its showing the slot in the collections for them, but nothing is showing.
AND the Golden Mobile Timepiece…cant remember where that came from at the moment, but its blank too. lol
and yes…ALL addons disabled and it was the same
It’s a visual glitch for the appearance menu. They show up if you mog them. But on the menu they look like blank slots.
I’ll give that a try. ive shut the game down and reloaded a few times.
Im not doing that UI reset every time blizzard screws the game up. lol. I’ll just not buy anything from the TP if its gonna do this much.
Randy Orton hears them 24/7 lol.
It’s pretty much just a visual glitch in the appearance menu itself. It’s not very game breaking thankfully.
Repeated head trauma will do that to a person.
yeah…nope…just charged me 64 gold to put nothing on my wrists… lol
You should really give the emperor back his new clothes.
Imma bout to run nekkid thru the streets of SW in protest, lol