I transmorged my Kul Trian mage with the Love Witch set. She threatened to delete herself if I didn’t get it off of her. I did. I have to agree with her. It does looks like some deviant’s fantasy.
Then don’t mog to it. Simple as that.
Right you are. It totally agree,
I feel like you should take to someone if your characters are speaking to you
I transmogged all 16 of my max level characters, of all classes and most races and both sexes, to the Love Witch set. They are GORGEOUS and this is now my foreverlook.
What should I do if my closet talks to me?
It’s a fantasy game.
I’m just glad I live overseas where there’s no Walmart so I don’t have to see real life KT dressed up as Sailor Moon when I go grocery shopping.
That’s normal
Yea but no
Try to find a red rose and get ready for some furry action?
I was stationed in Sicily for three years and know what you mean. If your European friends wonder what you are talking about, have them do a YouTube search on People of Wal-Mart.
There’s no reason to body shame. Don’t like it, don’t use the transmog. But coming here to make a thread to body shame that model, thereby making people who look similar IRL feel like crap about themselves, isn’t the way to go.
Your closet talks to you? What do you do if your foot starts talking to you?
It’s the tramsmorge, not the body. If it was the body I wouldn’t be playing a Kul Trian.
Why do people call it “transmorg”…
It’s short for transmogrification. The act or process of changing or being changed completely: Cambridge Dictionary
Sweet Christmas…you could have gone your entire life without posting this level of yikes.
No, transmog is short for transmogrification. I don’t know what transmorg is short for