Love rocket daily updates!

hmm wonder how many would buy the rocket off cash shop just not have to run this !

I cut back to 21 per day down from 44 last year

0/3 again.

I’ll never get that half-hour of my life back! :wink:
It is only a half-hour because one is DPS.

I would pay “fitty” without even blinking. I figure I’ve wasted more than $50 of time on it, over 12 years, trying to get it.

0/60 so far. I haven’t logged in yet today. I’m stalling.

You ran 60 characters in one day?

15 over 4 days. That’s all I can take at a time.
math is hard in the morning

0/50 so far as well sense it started

Well when this season is over I will have just over 1000 attempts between all my toons…that may not seem like a lot to some…been doing it every year since the start…some years more toons than others but I never missed a chance.
If at the end of this season I don’t have it…I will never run the event again…just too frustrating…I can put my efforts into more obtainable vanity items I am still missing.

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ya a 0.000000000000000000000000001% drop chance is just to low

Am I the only one? Every time I zone into the instance I am greeted with a yak butt in my face. :thinking:


Day 4: 9/9= QQ

Not the only one, not sure what is worse. Either that or dino(long boi) butt.

0/35 tomorrow yes that will be the day!

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The worse part of this year is they have those silly fireworks with the mount meme which makes me thinks it’s dropped each time …. Not funny blizz


This happens every time I bonus roll Sha of Anger and win some crappy piece of armor.


DAY 5: 0/250 attempts :clown_face:

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: X :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

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Same :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Love Rocket still in need of a model update, like many of the old mounts.

Will let you guys know tomorrow if this continues.

Day 5:


Got another toxic wasteling to drop…

Day 5 and nothing. :frowning_face: I have 120 attempts so far this year. I have been doing this on 24 toons since WoD so I have between 2300 and 2400 attempts total. :sob:

Seeing very few drops so far across the board this year, only saw a new screenshot on wowhead, but just wanted to say that yes, drop rate sucks, but if you can do it on 50 chars consistently year on year at this point (or even before this year) it starts becoming realistic (to not mistake with guaranteed), cause that’s 750 runs a year, doing that for 8 years already gives 6k overall runs, which would put you in a situation where it’s more likely to have the mount than not (around 4\5 people with 6k runs would have it), after that you can keep doing more runs till you end up in a situation where 9\10 have it (which should be around 9-10k) and so on, the more runs, the less luck you need, it’s just that I can imagine numbers like 6k + are very hard to reach for a lot of people, but majority of serious collectors I know in the eu have it by now and niixten for example, one of the top collectors in the world, needed 6k.