Love rocket daily updates!

Guys, can we please stop calling it the Love Rocket? They changed the name for a reason.
It’s very offensive to… erm… I mean, it hurts a lot of people because…
Why did they change the name again?


PR stunt, damage control.


Wrong wrong wrong…its the Love Rocket to many of us still…I call it that all the time and I will not be forced to stop calling it the Love Rocket…


I know, I was joking. Of course it’s still the Love Rocket.


Remember to use Blessing of Protection.


Don’t you know Valentine’s Day is suppressed? Far too “suggestive” for 2022. It will be replaced by Torquemada’s Day.


I only have three toons to throw at the event this year ….


The name is ironic because the name change broke our hearts


I read someone on here having 50 toons for it. That’s a lot of time and energy

i will get. :heart: :100:


WTB 10 dollar Name change Blizzard. You do still like money right?

Ugh jeez I’m not looking forward to that :sob:
I was doing 40 attempts a day last event, but I have 150 characters to run this time :weary:
If each run takes 2 minutes that’s 5 hours of farming a day excluding time to login + queue time.

Shaman luck :sweat_drops: for everyone to get their Big Love Rocket mount.




In the few times that I kill that boss for whatever reasons, I’m always wary of that same thing happening. I don’t want it to drop for me again, give it to someone else who doesn’t have it yet!

I’ve got my 25 or so level 50+ characters all ready for tomorrow.

I have a character with a pink transmog that needs it so bad.

I think it was silly to change the name, but I can’t say the new name is a bad one.

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I can say that because the new name is too similar to the name of my other rocket mount that shares the same model.

I like this “dungeon” since its a free for all.

The healer is…dps. the tank is…dps spec. and the dps is healing itself if it can lol.

this ignores spec to role and I actually like it. Never know what you get for a team.

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I have that one too, and the heatbreaking thing is it’s basically a Hallow’s End broom with a different skin and noisy exhaust.

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I think the problem with the new name is that it automatically makes the Big Love Rocket feel like the recolor it is.

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