Love rocket daily updates 2023!

Well, there goes my morale for the next two weeks.

TY sir.


I guess the new drop-rate is just 1% on first try then the usual on rest…

Reminder, with a 1% droprate on something, you would have to do it about 70 times for a 50% chance of getting it.

Seen the love rocket is something closer to 1/3333 droprate which means you gotta do it 2300 times for a 50% chance of obtaining it in any attempt.

Our first toon PER DAY. So the question is, is it worth it running more than one per day?


I have resigned myself to the fact that they could make it a 100% drop and I still would find a way to not get it.


Let’s see… I got the Infinite Timereaver recently and the Highland Mustang from Doomrider Helgrim about 5 minutes ago. Yeah, I’m probably not getting that mount. I’ve probably used up all my mount karma for now.


Before the world boss changes there was 9 ‘unobtainable’ mounts, now there are 4:

  • Infinite Timewaster
  • Mollie, Voldun World Boss
  • Headless Horseman
  • Love Rocket

I think everyone should resign themselves to never seeing those 4 mounts simply due to how rare they are and how you cannot just farm them whenever you want, because hoping you ever see these 4 mounts is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Not saying don’t try, but don’t assume you are ever going to get them.


Does the event activate on the technical day-of but still before the daily reset?

Heck, while I’m here and talking about resets ANYWAY despite not having to do with this specific, do DMF quests do this?

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It’s a question of attitude. I have 685 mounts. The trick is simply to have the mindset that “It WILL drop. It may not be this spawn, or the spawn after it, or any spawn this year. But it WILL happen.”

Oh, and… having a checklist of things you repeat farm every week and sticking to it helps as well. :wink:


that’s just not how it works.

if it was, most of the people who have been farming it since it was put in the game would already have it by now.

i think i’m just going to stick with the one per day.

the vast majority of people who got this, all got it the same year… when the plate helm was completely AWOL, and everyone was getting the mount instead.

thankfully it took long enough to figure out the bug, and heaps of people got the mount. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

if i hadn’t got it then, i still wouldn’t have that one either.

I have 810 account wide mounts, I have basically nothing left to farm and honestly couldn’t care less if the love rocket drops for me, not that I won’t try, but as long as I stop caring about it, it will make me happy if I get it.

I used to care, but that just meant I got more and more frustrated each week when I got nothing, and I only felt relief when I did finally get something. When you stop caring and just play the game for fun it really does make you happy when you get something shiny.

Oh man is that what happened? I got a second mount that year and put a f***ton of level 10 alts through that queue to try and get the helmet. I did get it on the second last day, or last day, but it was so dumb seeing a second mount and no helmet.


Yeah. I agree. That’s the other side of the coin. It helps not to care.

There’s definitely a certain amount of Zen involved.

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yeah… the plate wearers were screaming that the helm wasn’t dropping, and everyone was like “iT’S rNg!!”

after a few days of nobody seeing the helm, someone at blizz decided to take a look and figured out there was an oops with the loot table.

at least there’s some sort of small consolation each year with the horseman event… we get to ride insta-cast brooms around for a while.
(and get spammed with the “make the brooms perma” threads) :unamused:

i feel like the crown chemical co owe most of us by now.
they must be sick of being slaughtered.
(i suppose a couple of my alts could use the trinkets though… hopefully those are set at the appropriate item level)

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Which is expected with this place, “I have it so you can’t” and they just assume our complaints are more along the lines of ‘I want a higher drop rate’ when that’s not true most of the time.


to be fair, it was a legit response… in the beginning.

every plate wearer was desperate for the helm.
…but when they all kept coming out of the instance day after day like…

…and everyone seemed to be getting SUPER lucky with mount drops, it became apparent something was up.

Well not really TBH, considering how many people actually legit ask for a higher drop rate of something with no good reason. I think the one time here and there people raise a concern Blizzard should actually take action instead of assuming like players do.

There has been too many times over the years we have raised a concern and everyone is like “hUUr DuRr rNg” when there actually is an issue.


I actually have two of those and I didn’t really ‘farm’ for them.

And they aren’t even the rarest mounts in the collection, according to the websites.

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Rare is subjective. People love the Horseman mount because it’s ‘rare’ and unique, so they build up armies of alts since it’s super easy to farm, just join a queue, thus making it not so rare.

Whereas some garbo mount that no one likes, or something like the last 2 from Dragon Soul, and all of a sudden no one is farming them so it makes them seem rarer.

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There’s gonna be a lot of disappointed people when they realize “increased drop rate” doesn’t mean they’ll automatically be getting the mount. LOL. Can’t wait for the flood of tears. “YOU DIDNT INCREASE THE DROP RATE ENOUGH WTF BLIZZ”

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A lot of people are going to be upset at the fact it’s only once per day increased drop rate, but than on the flip side OP assumed it was once only, not once per day, so some people will still be happy.

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Come take a ride in my luh mucheen.