I love Paladin.
If you are here, you might not love Paladin, but you at least think about it.
And regardless of anything else, the Tmogs are immaculate
This will be a BIG POST about Paladins as a whole, but focusing on topics I’ve discussed or seen discussed in the last few weeks. Undermined is freshly out, and bugs may or may not be fixed as this post ages.
See Headers for topics that may interest you
Class Identity:
“Class Identity” is a phrase that I enjoy throwing around, but has been defined, re-defined, and ignored so many times that it has lost concrete meaning and become more of an ideal about what a Class would look like if you tried to trace its shadow from its reflection.
AKA, its messy yo.
Most will agree (hopefully ordered least divisive to most controversial) that Paladins should:
- Wear Plate Armor
- Have Glowing Gold Aesthetic and Abilities
- Use “Blessings” to Target and Benefit Allies
- Have a Telegraphed “Power Up Phase” like Avenging Wrath/Seraphim
- Have Poor Mobility
- Have Off-Heal/Hybrid Capabilities
- Have a combination of Ranged and Melee Abilities
However, these are not dedicated design goals published and supported by Blizz, these are just things that either get reinforced Xpac after Xpac, given-and-taken-away Xpac after Xpac, or jut been there since Class conception and stuck around.
This list is my aggregate opinion, but I genuinely believe that all these are important for Paladin to be “Paladin-y”
PvE vs PvP:
WoW wouldn’t be WoW without the “World” or without the “Warcraft”. PvE and PvP are both important. But also, PvE and PvP are effectively separate games.
Paladin has , on paper, (almost) every tool for every job.
- Abilities that do damage at close range
- Abilities that do damage at mid range
- DoTs
- Single, big hits
- Stun
- AoE Blind
- Snare/Slow removal
- Self Heal & Target Heal
- Defensives (Flat% DR & Thorns in ‘Eye for an Eye’)
- Externals (BlessSac BoP)
- Immunes
- Cleanse
- Holy has a dispell and Prot can sometimes use BlessSpellwarding in a similar fashion.
- Move Speed Increase
With a laundry list this long, it may seem like a Paladin will have a tool to react to every situation. I often hear sentiments that “A good Paladin will use all their utility over the course of a fight, a midling Paladin will just zug-zug”
However, with access to all these tools, Paladin can not really claim “mastery” over any one area. Divine Steed will increase your movement speed, but it is not a teleport. Hammer of Justice is a long stun, but it is magic instead of physical, and can be dispelled. BoP and LoH are powerful external tools, but create Forbearance and cannot be stacked easily.
This “jack of all trades master of none” playstyle lends its self to reactive play. See what the situation is and what it’ll likely become, then react accordingly. (Proactive play occurs more when you know you are the strongest at 1 thing, and you make your gameplay around that thing)
Having a reactive playstyle is an interesting design space, but leads to extreme differences between the power level of abilities in PvE vs PvP.
PvE: The boss is going to cast big slow frontal, and you know someone (or yourself) can’t get out of the way - cast a Blessing of Protection and save the target! 5min cd well spent.
PvP: cast BoP on a target:
- Enemies change damage type to magic
- Enemies change targets
- Enemies spell steal the BoP
- Enemies teleport to another target
- Enemies use a magic stun/blind/displacement
- etc.
All these plays are what PvP is about and I am not saying BoP needs to be stronger - I am saying that this ability feels much, much more rewarding in PvE scenarios where unpredictability is less of a factor. (BoP is a 5 min cd, when an enemy player “answers” it, they will not need to use a 5 min cd - Paladin is left feeling a bit disappointed)
Choosing to keep Paladins feeling reactive overall makes the class feel play very differently in PvE vs PvP. Not sure what Blizz wants to do to change this feeling, or if they even consider it an issue.
What is “Retribution”:
I’ve talked much, and actually said little. I’ll keep this one sweet.
What is “Retribution”?
- Holy is the Healer, they have AoE heals, dispells, etc that Prot and Ret do not
- Prot is the Tank, they have BIG DEFENSIVES that Ret and Holy do not
- Ret has - uhh…?Wake of Ashes? maybe carpal tunnel from pushing the same 3 buttons over and over.
This may seem obvious but, most of what makes a Paladin a Paladin is in the left Class tree (duh -its call the Class tree). But what makes Ret special feels more like a lack of the deeper gameplay Holy and Prot get rather than Ret gaining anything for being Ret.
I personally enjoy when Ret has viable reactive Off-Healing {Healing Hands talent, gone too soon ;-;} It gives Ret something to do in the 30s-1min time table rather than just the extra 5 min buttons (BoP, LoH) that all Paladins use. However, Blizz has stepped away from this and made Ret very 1 dimensional even with all the “Paladin” buttons it has.
Forbearance (Aka 4 Bears and Ants) :
Another, hopefully, short one
Forbearance is the “rip-cord” designed to keep abilities that read “Immune” from becoming too powerful. Without 4BearAnts it is hypothetical, if incredibly impractical, to stack a raids-worth of Immunes on one target and funnel externals to make one “immune” tank vs the boss
(I know BoP clears aggro, but its an intro statement to set the tone)
Forbearance is a tuning knob and encourages the Paladin to think about if the immune is truly needed or if it will be more needed in the next 30sec. This is a good way to encourage more thinking/skill expression about the 5 min spell, especially as it will almost never be pushed every 5 minutes.
When Pallies stack, forbearance is grating and allows you to “sabotage” your allies by wasting the very important defensive they were going to rely on. (And/or, just BoP the Tank and wipe the group woopsie )
Blizz has changed “sabotage” gameplay in the past where Tier Sets encouraged letting DoTs fall offs, unintuitive gameplay, etc.
That Blizz has not changed Forbearance in ages it means it is here to stay, but I would like Blizz to acknowledge if this “sabotage” gameplay is an exception to their other stated goals.
It is strange that there are not choice nodes that would decrease the power of spells that cause Forbearance but remove Forbearance, so that Pallies can play together in a group without friction.
Forbearance Forbearance Forbearance Forbearance Forbearance Forbearance -Ya ever read a word so much it loses meaning? 4BearAnts is better
Expected, Realistic, and Problematic Playstyles :
“Opinions are fun, you can have as many as you want, and they can all be wrong!”
The following will be opinionated and most likely fail several logical fallacies.
- Ret has the stigma of being the beginner spec as the rotation is “easy” and the differences in damage between optimizing your rotation and failing your rotation is less than other damage dealers.
This playstyle is “Problematic” to some and “I don’t really see an issue with it” to others. I would personally keep Rets rotation as is, and step on the toes of the Healer role /Augvoker role and give Ret more skill expression in the 30sec-1min timescale.
- Blessing of Protection and Blessing of Spellwarding (BoP & BoS) are best used for “cheese” and too much cheese makes a dungeon rotation a slog. But other use cases are somehow worse
BoP will either skip something that is supposed hurt/kill you
BoP gets put on that dang dps that runs ahead or rips aggro because they are failing “Intro to WoW” level game understanding.
Its use can be both “Problematic” when use is optimized but in a more “Realistic” scenario, its a 5 min button that is used because a “noob” is doing a “noob” thing. (No implied negativity towards someone not playing “correctly” - everyone is on their own gameplay skill journey)
Bonus thought: "BoP" can save someone standing in a frontal or dash, the "WASD keys" can also do this -for no mana -with no CD -with no Forbearance -with no GCD -with no Aggro switch
- Off-Healing/ Hybrids in general. Blizz turn out your pockets, cmon man. I know you have an opinion somewhere, I just want to know what it is.
If Ret or Prot is ever “Off-Healy” enough where a “Healerless” key is viable for low to mid skill level groups, a !Problem! is happening.
I will also argue, if the most skilled players in the world are not running any Healerless keys in a season that is still a problem. I have spoken elsewhere that I am not a fan of the changes to Rets Healing Hands talent no longer allowing use on allies -and I won’t rehash it here.
I am, however, still going to try using Prot with Seal of Charity and Hand of the Protector and mana pots to try and run a Healerless run.
If “Off-Healing” is the class fantasy and must remain the class fantasy for Ret and Prot, there should be some level of wiggle room. (Or Ret especially should get a different focus of the Class Fantasy)
Bonus stray thought: Holy should get some "Off-Tank" functionality if they are going to be expected to keep Shield of the Righteous. Blizz should either go full crazy and give Holy a bonus on taunt so they can man up and take a hit for someone, or give Shield of the Righteous some damage splitting functionality like Blessing of Sacrifice (just much less strong, of course)
Closing Thoughts :
Thanks for reading, or more likely, skipping around trying to see if I wrote anything worthwhile - or, at least, something so wrong you can flame me for it.
I enjoy playing Paladin and its a very popular community / class, I enjoy interacting with Paladins on the forums, but I wish there was more perceived guidance and statements from Blizz about how they want things to be, rather than how they are.
Please talk to me about anything Paladin wise while we all wait for the bugs in this latest patch to get fixed
Yknow, like: