Lots of small changes, like icons, CDs on action bars, why?

Just found out they changed the little cogwheel icon you get when you mouse over portals and the like to a different hand.

What was wrong with the last updated cogwheel that was nice and crisp and fine?


Micromenu size is way too big for my UI scale. Covers my action bars.

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idk i kind of like new ui.

There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just some of us would like the option not to use some elements or maybe some hate the whole thing, instead of just being forced.


wish they would just let us toggle this stuff, im really struggling to see my procs now with this new much more subtle glow


“If it ain’t broke, break it!” - Blizzard 2023


“This has worked fine for 20 years and nobody has ever complained about it… LETS CHANGE IT!”


Logs of warcraft

a toggle means maintaining two different versions of everything.
how is that beneficial to anyone from a development perspective?

it wasn’t changed “for no reason”.
it was changed because the old ui was horribly outdated, and players had been asking for updates for years.

you seem to be seeing things which aren’t there.
pointing out a severe over-reaction to a couple of pixels, isn’t being pompous.

you trash-post all the time.
often enough that anyone who posts here with any sort of regularity, would recognize your name, and know immediately that any thread you make is going to be negative.

you must be doing that on twitter or facebook or a personal diary.
…where forum users don’t get to see it.

so… it’s suddenly not unplayable?
and you weren’t arguing on the forum?

every other mmo isn’t this massive.

you know what else you can do?
actively participate in the PTR, so you can give feedback on changes before they go live.

i don’t even know what this is meant to mean.
what people am i?
who else is me?
are there people behind me backing me up?

i’m only a dude with an opinion.
just like you.
…only mine is a smidge more realistic.

“people have spent 20 years complaining about it, and we know that they’ll still complain about it even if we change it” Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.


If you like to have your micro menu buttons back to what they looked like before the huge UI change…check out this addon it…I have been using it since they force this nasty new UI on us …Shadowlands Micro Menu is the addon.

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The UI was never finished at the start. They’ve added little things throughout the patch cycles that they had intended to change anyway, and things that people have given feedback on.

Absolutely. I still use most of my addons, because it’s easier for me to get the changes I want than try and manipulate the unfinished base UI. I’ve said from the beginning that their redesign was a good start, and it is. However, it doesn’t fulfill my needs for a UI, so I’ll continue to use addons until such a time that maybe it can.

It means you have less people angry and complaining.

I’d say that’s plenty of reason to maintain it. It’s literally no different to maintaining various shards for all the Chromie time options, and probably takes up even less space than that.

It wasn’t though? The lack of ability to move things, yes, but stuff like skill icons and the micromenu were perfectly serviceable and had no issues, nor did anyone complain about them up until stuff got unnecessarily changed.

Funny, I never have seen any kind of UI update requests anywhere. Maybe some people wanted it, but it definitely wasn’t something as requested as High Elves or the like, by any means.

There’s no ‘severe over-reaction’. People are rightfully annoyed and frustrated that this keeps happening and we keep being forced into these changes with no way to choose what we want. People have a right to express that.

It is pompous to belittle and over-react to those people expressing their frustration. Sorry not sorry, you’re a pompous s’wit.

I barely post here to begin with, but sure Jan.

Bruh?? I have made one thread, and it was about a bug with the Guardian staff. You sure you aren’t confusing me for someone else you have a weird grudge against? Because literally anyone can read through the entirety of my post history, and see I not only post infrequently, but I post quite a lot more positivity over the game than I do negativity - and the negative stuff comes from actual reasonable irritations that crop up.

Take off the confirmation bias glasses, and get over your weird obsession. Actual creep.

Nah, you can dig through my posts - since you, being a creep, like to do that apparently - and find them. It doesn’t even take a long scroll to find any, either.

I… never said it was unplayable? Please point out where I did, specifically, that exact wording. You can’t. I said this was annoying and unnecessary changes that made me have to break my UI setup just to work with it. That isn’t the same as unplayable. Maybe learn not to put words in people’s mouth.

Actually, considering no one should be able to see my posts anyway - considering I have my profile and activity hidden, and have double checked that via an incognito window - I’m curious how you’re even “reading” my posts at all. I think perhaps you aren’t, since you shouldn’t be able to find any of them to begin with. Otherwise you’d see the plethora of positive posts I have as much as ‘negative’.

Talking out of your rear end and making assumptions just shows you’re fighting and arguing for the sake of it. Get a life and get over yourself, you’re not cute.

Plenty are. I hate even mentioning Denial Fantasy XIV, but last I recall, when we had icon updates and stuff, they managed to put in a toggle for if we wanted to use them or not. XIV is, for better or worse, WoW’s direct competitor.

Why do you assume I don’t? Again, being a pompous s’wit and making assumptions.

No, it’s just pompous for the sake of arguing. Again: get over yourself.

I’ll look for it and see how it goes - appreciate the looking out!

Still stupid and short-sighted that we’re forced to find addons just to fix something Blizzard broke that wasn’t before.

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I don’t like the cast bar being part of the icon. it’s redundant, and looks tacky.

CD on the button though I’m perfectly fine with.

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The new UI stuff makes it harder to see procs, especially on shammy/evoker. My evoker’s burnout/essence burst procs are harder to see now. Plus all the various enhancement stuff that lights up… hot hand procs, instant cast stuff, whatever.

This is also a huge accessibility issue for some people. I know a few people I raid with have been having issues with it for this reason.


Have you tried getting over it

Have you tried not being a troll?

Classic Character with barely any posts kekw, I’m sure you aren’t someone’s alt, not at all. :dracthyr_shrug:

Honestly the UI stuff seems particularly egregious for caster classes. It looks awful and distracting on both my mage and my lock. Warrior-main friend says it’s gross on there too, but not nearly to the degree it was for them on Augvoker.

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The proc effect is almost like trying to see while underwater for me. It’s so…weird. I’m having trouble adjusting to that.

The new repair icons are worse than the original ones.

this is just like when you removed the Silver dragon portraits for no reason. If you’re gonna change something, try to make it not worse than the original work imo.


I can only say…please, can we see a toggle option for these new actionbar button animations?

I speak entirely from my own bias opinion here…but I absolutely hate these new animations. I say that both from being a player since day 1 Vanilla drop, a hater of changes to things I myself did not want as an Aspergers Syndrome pronounced autistic, and as one whom is also an epileptic…these overly distracting animations, flashes, little twinkles and such going on are just nothing but toxic for one like myself and has all but robbed me of my ability to play with the new patch drop, until either something is done, or someone else does something to remedy this “issue” that has now made my play more of a bother than an enjoyment for me.

I’m sorry to bring up such negative subjects in regards to this issue, but I won’t hide the simple truth behind my issue with this new change, both for me, and for those like myself whom may have visual issues that would impede their enjoyment or ability to play even in the slightest form.

Thank you all for giving this a read through, and this is to hopefully a better route going forward, and toggle setting or drop-down of several to choose from that might be given to us for how our action bars are animated and function.


I agree the animation effect on cast ability buttons is way to confusing… It was completely interrupting my game play with that side to side effect! I seriously hope they give us the option to toggle that off…

BUT for now I found using the addon Bartender4 makes it use the old UI button animations and fixes that annoyance…