Looking for a guild for shadowlands. Legion and BFA were very meh for me. Hoping shadowlands can reignite the spark lol short bio: played rogue and shaman from cata to legion. Made the swap to warlock, don’t plan on looking back haha Shaman is usually my go to “alt” for every expansion. I really enjoy M+ and raiding. Not a cutting edge player but not a total casual. I love maximizing whatever class I’m playing and learning everything I can. Love doing research on fights, strats, or mechanics (if the interest is there ofc) have a Mic and don’t mind voice coms.
I’m looking for a mature group that does m+/current content and has a little fun along the way.
For the remainder of BFA , don’t plan on doing much. Doing old world content and random junk.
Ideally we are looking for folks who are still interested in raiding, as we have no plans of stopping until much closer to SL. Since you’re already on Area 52 though, give us a look. We do have some more casual members who don’t raid, but do run keys and other content.
Hello! My guild Evolved might be a great fit for you! We are a casual raiding guild but offer M+ runs and would welcome anyone interested in PVP as well! Our main focus is to have fun while seeing what we can accomplish together in game. We are an 18+ guild and because of this, most of our members have families/jobs, etc and we understand real life comes first and do not require 100% raid attendance.
We are a Horde guild on Area52. We have heroic raid from 8:30-10:30 pm EST on Wednesday and Thursday, and an open normal raid night on Sundays at 8:30-10:30 pm EST. We also have a sister Alliance guild on Proudmoore who is always happy to have new members.
We are part of a large multi-game community and have chapters in Final Fantasy 14, Elder Scrolls Online, as well as groups for Call of Duty, Diablo 3, Destiny 2, and many many more games.
If you would like more info, feel free to message me here or the recruitment officers at BNet Kalysta#1968 or Grimmy#1990, or Discord Aellice#1735, or Grimmie #8950
You can read more at our forums at evolvedgaming .org or make an account to join!
Good luck with your guild hunt! I know how much of a difference finding the right group of people to play with can make!
hey Thanatos wondering if your found a guild home yet? if not wondering if you would be interested in checking out my group.
Here in Midnight Rose we aim for to have fun playing PvE and PvP while housing a Social astrosphere in game chat and on our discord. We welcome new or old WoW players to come join use in our raising of the Midnight Rose.
Some History about use.
Midnight Rose was created originally in the MMO Black Desert Online. By bunch of friends as the 1st Guild Master got bet busy in real life he passed the reins to 2nd Guild Master by the name of SunCloud. After stuff was under control he decided not to return to BDO as it was not to his personal preference. But WoW was so here he is trying his luck with WoW again after many years of being away. The Guild in BDO have grown to be a PvE Guild in BDO with a sister guild focusing on PvP. Both Guilds has grown Beautifully since they were founded. The aim of the Guild in both Guilds is to have fun in all aspects of the Game together with friends.
So Join in on the Raising of the Midnight Rose Banner in World of Warcraft and this kick some butt while having a blast!!
https://discord.gg/R25944D or simply contact me on discord Spiritouspath#9016