Lost Trading Post Tender


A GM asked me to come here and write up what they confirmed was a bug.

If you reach your max tender for the month in the first couple days, but continue to do activities that accrue tender (of course you will, which makes the treasure chest in the capital city glow like the resource pile in your Garrison), looting that chest after you have hit the max (at least for me) results in a loss of that tender (whatever tender you loot will not be added to your bank/currency total).

I have screenshots of this, before and after looting, which I took after it happened the first time. In total I have lost 1000 tender, and there’s more in the box unlooted. Thus I have questions:

  1. The GM sending me here to report it as a bug suggests that this 1000 tender should have been added to my total. It is possible however that we’re not supposed to be able to accrue more the max of 2000/month?
  2. Put another way, it’s unclear to me whether the tender progress bar under the Adventure Guide (push shift-J) was a progress bar for the free mount, and/or also indicated how much tender you can earn per month?
  3. In March, will there be a whole new framework of activities to do, or will the existing activities roll over? I presume a new set will be launched?
  4. If we just leave the chest alone after we have hit the max in Feb, will the chest be lootable for the balance in March, or is that just lost? (in which case we need to ask why it lights up as lootable after the max has been hit?)

The GM would not address any of this, nor how to get the lost tender returned?

Thanks for helps!

Adding similar threads on lost tender:

There is a monthly cap of 1000 tender: 500 just for logging in and 500 for completing 1000 points worth of activities. There are two one-time bonuses of 500 tender each: one for owning Dragonflight and one for doing the intro quests. If you have received 2000 tender then you’ve hit the cap.

In future months you will only be able to get 1000 tender. Yes, the activities change and the progress resets every month, as explained during the intro quest.

There is a previously reported bug that shows some characters a sparkling chest but they get no tender from opening it. The bug is that the chest suggests there is something there when there isn’t, and isn’t supposed to be.

Well, you could be right. I suspect you are.

However GM says it’s a bug, and suggested we should get the tender… and that this bug needs reporting. As you say, it could be that the bug is the shiny chest but you think the GM would have said this?

I am not going to speculate on the accuracy of what you said the GM said. And you don’t have to take my word for how it works. There is abundant documentation of it. Such as here: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23910165/the-trading-post-is-open

Well, this is a bug report, not a debate with you really.

Why create 200 activities you can do and only let you do 10, while continuing to prompt the player that they have accomplished the 60th? Are we going to get a fresh set of 200 next month?

Why let you loot tender that then appears to go into the nether? Why not make it clear in game?

Things are ambiguous, and need to be addressed. Thanks but I want an official ruling on this and so does the GM, clearly.

Oh, this isn’t a debate. Far from it. I was answering the questions you asked. You won’t get any answers by posting in this forum except from fellow players trying to be helpful. The actual bugs you’ve described have already been reported. A cursory search of the forum before you posted would have brought them up. Everything else you brought up was a question.

Why create 200 activities you can do and only let you do 10

To give us choices.

while continuing to prompt the player that they have accomplished the 60th

Previously reported bug.

Are we going to get a fresh set of 200 next month?

Already answered. By me. And in-game. And in the link I provided.

Why let you loot tender that then appears to go into the nether? Why not make it clear in game?

Previously reported bug.