Lost Signal Normal Only Learning/Fun Team. Cross Server & Cross Faction!

New M+ tournament is just about to start! If you are interested in a guild with multiple raid teams and monthly tournaments this is the place for you!

We just finished our Glory of the Dominant raider and are looking forward to 9.2! Still actively running and looking for more!

Working on transmog and having fun with our alts!

Normal only team too easy? Currently Online is home to many other Heroic and Mythic raid teams as well!

Still active an enjoying the game!

Best time to knock out the SOD achievements or finish off a transmog set is now!

We are back from the holidays and in full swing again!

We are gearing up to kick off the new raid tier!

This week is Horde again! Soon 9.2.5 will reunite our team!

Would you rather run your alts through LFR, or join an organized group full of friends?

Cross faction raiding is finally happening!

I am so excited about these new cross faction raid teams! No more having to choose which toons to prioritize based on faction.

Hey all! Lost Signal has been capped out for the past few months as more and more people bring in their alts, but with Dragonflight announced we are re-opening team recruitment! Our schedule to finish off Shadowlands is below.

10/2 - Sepulcher
10/9 - No Raid
10/16 - No Raid
10/23 - No Raid
10/30 - No Raid

11/6 - Raid to test out Pre-Patch (last minute slime mount)
11/13 - Raid to test out Pre-Patch (last minute slime mount)
11/20 - Raid to test out Pre-Patch (last minute slime mount)
11/28 - Expansion Drop

Recruiting is open once again!

Recruiting is open again. We are looking for a tank and some more DPS!

I’m a 441 Pally Tank that achieved AOTC on Season 1 & 2.

New expansion is coming, and its time once again to ramp up recruitment! Many of our raiders have graduated from normal raids, and have moved to our Heroic and Mythic teams. We now have spots available once again!

New to raiding, or returning after an extended break? Lost Signal is the team for you!

It’s time to start preparing for the new expansion. Do you have a team lined up?

Time to start gearing up for the next expansion!