Up to 20 on our roster. If you are interested in starting the new expansion with Lost Signal, I recommend applying now!
Hi everyone!
If you’re looking to get back into raiding or want to learn your class a bit in pre-patch before the new expansion, the Lost Signal team with the Currently Online Guild are more than happy to get you moving in the right direction!
In the next few weeks, we’ll be doing some Transmog runs from the other raids in Battle for Azeroth Expansion before Shadowlands drops for us all!
Come on over and have some fun with us and apply for our Normal or Heroic teams or plan with us for some Mythics in Shadowlands! We’d be glad to have you!
Ny’alotha achievements are complete! We will now take a couple weeks doing transmog runs, testing alts, and preparing for Shadowlands! Now is a great time to join and get a feel for our group before we hit the ground running in October!
Hey all! Its been awhile since we checked in! With the popularity of Shadowlands, our team was actually capped at 30 and we had to temporarily close recruitment.
However, many of our team members have now moved on to Heroic and Mythic raiding, and we are once again bringing in new and returning players that are interested in learning and practicing! Drop by our discord to check us out!
Hey all! Our Horde team has moved into farm mode with Castle Nathria. If you are new or returning, or you just have an army of alts you want to play on, this is a great team to hang out with!
Are you still raiding 1 night, 8 to 11 Central? I have a Hunter (Mickdundee) and Resto Shammy (Gylez) both at 197 (LFR, Quests, Covenant, AH and PVP) and I’m leveling my resto druid (Mickloven) from Vanilla/TBC (55). I’d love to get into Mythic Plus and light raiding (haven’t raided regularly since Wrath) with a chill group of adults. Posted on a Pally Alt on another server, but the 3 toons above are all on Illidan (H). Thanks!
Hey! We are still raiding Sunday nights. We are currently alternating between Horde and Alliance every week for alts and for fun. This Sunday will be Horde side, and we have open signups in our discord, so feel free to stop on by and hang out! https://discord.gg/currentlyonline
Full clear of Normal Nathria in 2.5 hours! Time to bust out the alts and begin working on those transmog wishlists!
Getting burnt out with the grind? Not sure how you will manage the current content drought? Try taking a breather and playing for fun again. Grab an alt and come join us for some fun times as we steamroll through content and pickup some achievements and transmog.
Time to begin working on some alts and completing transmog before the next tier!
If you are suffering from boredom, expansion fatigue, or just general burnout, this will be a great opportunity to relax, play what you want, and enjoy hanging out with friends!
Hey all! We just finished our Currently Online M+ Scramble tournament! This event had us randomly paired into teams and competing to see who could push the highest and fastest keys! If you are suffering from boredom, our community is the cure!
9.1 HYPE! The new raid comes out July 6th! If you are new to raiding, or just want a more casual pace, we are the team for you! We just completed our Glory of the Nathria Raider achievement, and now are finishing off the last of our transmog in preperation for the new tier!
First week of raiding down! We managed 5/10 in 3 hours and had a ton of fun with the new content! Honestly, if you have never raided before, this is a great place to start and see how much fun WoW’s end game content can be!
Horde side still going strong! We have a guild Black Temple run tonight to hang out, have fun, and gear up some fresh level 60s!
Starting with KT and Sylv this week, then resetting for our farm clear on alts. Raid has been capping at 30 every week, so join the team to ensure you have a spot!
Managed a full clear last week in 2 hours 37 minutes! Time to begin farm and alts! If you are interested in a fun time for mains and alts this is the place for you!
Full clear in 1 hour 44 minutes! New record for the Lost(er) Signal teams!
We have started our September(ish) M+ Tournament! We have 35 people (7 teams) that have started new toons and are pushing to push keys as high as they can within the next 3 weeks! Drop by our discord to follow along with the tournament and possibly join in on the next one!
This is the last week of our September M+ Tournament! Over the past three weeks 35 of our guild members have ran over 112 keys in a push to see who is the greatest! We have one week left, come swing by our discord to follow along!