Bought classic character clones for 4 of my toons that I activated in TBC for classic. All my mail is there, but NONE of the attachments are on any of the characters’ mail. This includes stuff from other players, my alts (both also cloned and not cloned), and Blizzard’s item restoration. It’s all gone.
I also don’t see any support for addons whatsoever in the classic game (addon buttons gone), but that is a more minor issue compared to my mail items.
First thing I’d suggest would be a Full UI Reset to rule out any issues with your UI.
If you still have trouble with your mail, you might need to put in a ticket and see if a GM can see the attachments. You should be able to put in a ticket here:
As far as this part goes, the addon button doesn’t show in the client until you have an addon folder created. Once you install some addons (either manually or with a manager), the button will appear.
I saw a similar report, Ido, so it may be related to something they are already looking into. I would recommend posting in the Bug Report forum, just to make sure. Be sure to include character names/realms.
Submit a ticket with that same information. I’m not sure if a fix is possible if it needs to be done manually or something else can be done so they appear again, but a ticket is the first step.
i just wanted to pop in and say that the in-game TBCC bug report option, is sending players to the retail bug report forum.
(yes, i’ve already reported this as a bug, but people are being asked to make bug reports… and being sent to the wrong place for it to be seen) 
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The Support Article?
I was referring to the in-game option to submit a bug.
i can’t see tbcc ui, but i (probably mistakenly) assumed there was a different option which sends players to the forum…
retail bug report is flooded with classic issues, and ^that was the response i got when i attempted to point people towards the classic bug report forum…
(embarrassing if that isn’t the case, because i reported it as an issue after a few days of forum flooding) 
I think they may have clicked through support options and got the Support Article instead of clicking the icon near the top. The Support Articles themselves probably should differentiate between Classic/TBCC and Shadowlands so the feedback is still good.
In my case - the guided experience was difficult to navigate - I eventually got the option of “my problem still isn’t solved” (or similar) which pointed me to the Shadowlands Bug forum. In Classic, the few bugs I submitted, it felt easier to just enter the bug from the UI.
Usually indicating you need more help should put the ticket in a different higher queue. Is it the same issue, i have to ask, and did you try the self help service?
Yes, the same issue. The mail is still there, the attachments on those mails are all gone on all 4 characters.
As for the “self help” is there a specific self help page you’re thinking of that I can restore hundreds of items in the mail that my character cloning deleted? I really don’t think item restoration here applies, and if it did, and it somehow worked (and it wouldn’t as not all items were green or higher), it would still take me months to get my stuff back 12 at a time. Worse still, screwing with it, would probably complicate things for if/when Blizzard finally get around to doing something. They’ll have complications enough with the expired mail I figure.
I was thinking of the return mail option, not item restoration.
just a last second try. If you reopened your last ticket though it should be not as much of a wait.
how does returning my mail fix anything? The problem is not that the mail is not there. The problem is each toon had an almost full mailbox of mail, and each mail had up to 12 items attached to it, and after the clone, not one attached item in any mail on any cloned toon exist. Every mail has been stripped EVERY attachment. I don’t see how returning the mail (both to characters I or other players did and did not clone over, as well to Blizzard’s item restoration service), would have anything other than a negative effect. Best not to touch it until Blizzard sorts this out.
Yes, I reopened the ticket, yesterday. And as I said, the expected wait time is again a few days. I’ll keep this thread posted.
Those mail attachments weren’t quest items, were they?
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No - they were just random stuff. cloth ore, boe, etc.
Matter is semi-resolved now.
I got a response:
“Specia list Game Master Elmorya .
Thank you so much for your patience so far. With Burning Crusade on the horizon we’ve been incredibly busy so we truly appreciate your understanding while we get to your ticket.
I understood that the items in the mail on your classic clones are missing. Our team is aware of this issue and is working on a fix. Sadly, GM tools won’t repair this, so we need to wait for the devs to patch the issue. To help them, please send a bug report from your character in game as that sends specialized information about the issue to them. We have attached your case to the article created for the devs regarding the issue. We appreciate your report and your patience while they patch a solution!
If you encounter any questions or challenges in future, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!”
So I went to my toons in game, to file the reports, but when I checked my mail the items had reappeared. Apparently there has been some patch or something in the last 24h since I last checked which restored them. It’s possible some items expired in the 5 or 6 days it took to resolve this, but oh well. I’ll deal with that.
Thanks for the help guys.