Lost Ark starts tomorrow

It’s funny to me how many people don’t realize that WoW is already losing the majority of it’s competitive PVP base to other games like Lost Ark. They do this really neat thing that Blizz refuses do. They respond quickly to imbalance in PvP. WoW timelines give more than plenty enough time for an OP combo to climb all the way up the ladder before they even mention it.

While I don’t think it will kill WoW by any means, it certainly stands a chance at retaining a large playerbase of folks who really enjoy competitive PvP. I hope that the WoW devs take note of player response to frequent tuning and adjustments. Will it upset the FOTM rerollers? Probably. Is it worth it to make it a better experience for the rest of the players? 100%

Blizzard be like…we hear of imbalance but see nothing. git gud.

players be like…so blizzard doesn’t even watch its own arena tournament of the same played out comps

But elune forbid a glitch makes its through qa. And we may have a world’s first here soon…oh, boss glitched and phase 3 trigger bugged…quick kill it, kill the instances.

Which instances?


I don’t PvP, haven’t since WOTLK. I watched a vid on Lost Ark PvP and it looks cool. I could believe WoW PvPers might quit, but how many players is that?

I don’t think PvEers will quit though and the vast majority of WoW players play WoW for PvE.

Its not how many leave the issue. That to me implies thinking this needs massive leaves.

Its if its enough it makes waits even worse.

Cross faction is not coming soon. and…only rated.

I even as alliance can see long waits in normal pugland.

Starting tomorrow…not in the lists either myself. I got a gunslinger and demon hunter variant to run here.

Theoretically for normal random this doesn’t need 240K pvpers to leave. It needs enough to where horde is going wth…is it that hard to find 40 alliance for a match? slower times on the server this doesn’t need to be 240K.

It could be as low as 2400. that is 60 alliance comps of 40 players not there for epic. horde…will wait. a good while.

It’s weird that people keep bringing up FF14 when Classic likely has many more players thanks to the China market.