Lost Ark starts tomorrow

They get their revenue from cosmetics, mounts and pets. Pets have auto loot feature so i guess you could consider auto loot quality of life p2w. Most of the store is quality of life for faster teleports. Lost Ark is not pay to win, in pvp there isn’t even gear. You can go in naked with nothing equipped. You unlock all talents and skills from gameplay

Don’t spread misinformation without playing it first


You are trying to imply that if you want to play the game you have to spend a lot on microtransactions.

Thats not always the case. You can get a lot of revenue just from skins or just quality of life things that have no impact of the overall game.

WoW is pay to own, and pay to play, and still has micro transactions.
POE, League and DOTA some of the largest PC games out on the market are F2P with a very good microtransaction atmosphere. Don’t be so quick to judge negatively.

I’m excited to see more on Lost Ark, but I’ve been hearing about it for a long time and I have no realistic hopes of a proper release anytime soon.


Lost Ark poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague onto our houses!


Well, Lost Ark uses the WoW UI font (Friz Quadrata), so maybe they’ll respond by switching to Arial.


Nah, PoE’s MTX structure is dog-water. People keep saying “you can play the game for free” to justify the fact that the game looks like :peach: unless you pay money for transmog and alternate spell effects, but at the end of the day, you look like trash and your spell effects are nerfed unless you’re paying out the nose. Whatever gripes people have about WoW, at least you aren’t constantly assaulted by MTX deals or whenever you come across another player reminded that if you want to look good you need to drop $$$. And don’t even get me started on stash tabs that are essentially mandatory MTX if you actually want to play the game comfortably.

PoE is essentially a buy to play game that has F2P-quality. This is why they’re shivering in this boots about Diablo 4, in fact that they’ve openly said that all their preparations have been to prepare for the eventuality that Diablo 4 release and blows them out of the water. They’ve been keeping an entire sequel in their back pocket just to try to offset the bomb that Diablo 4 will be on their bottom line.


Let’s see where the 2 games are in 2 months time. That was longer than it took the last “wow killer” to burn out. Let’s see. See you all at the end of March.


Not sure how a game that has been out for a few years already is going to “burn out.”


Uh, that’s super subjective and I don’t agree in the slightest.

There’s so much going on in that game you barely even see your transmog. Many spells don’t even have alternative visuals.
And your highest criticism of their microtransactions are targeted at optional visuals.

To call it buy to play because you like the way some of the store visuals look is absurd. In fact, that may be one of the most ridiculous things I have heard on these forums, ever.

It’s buy to play because stash tabs are not really an optional feature if you actually play the game.

Nobody maps without having stash tabs. Some guy has probably done it at some point or another “just to prove you can” or some nonsense, but for the majority of players, if you want to properly enjoy the game, you need to buy stash tabs.

You can 100% play PoE fully and have a good time without stash tabs.
Stash tabs just helps organise your inventory and cross-character loot.

Again, absurd to consider it mandatory.

I love Indiana Jones. Ill be playing.

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Lol. This forum sometimes.


I never claimed any of this.

Not at all. Just that a lot of the game is going to be based around microtransactions.

From microtransactions. QoL, better play experience (if QoL does that for you), and such all fall under microtransactions.

WoWs microtransactions are purely cosmetic with no effect on game play though. Difference between sub-based and f2p models.

Played League for a bit, hated the atmosphere :sweat_smile: lol

But so is:

It’s one of those “to each their own”, as I for example played league and didn’t care for it and it falls under the “negative” tab for me, but doesn’t for you.


You have to make any absurd argument you can when the the current expansion has less people playing than during the massive content draught of Warlords.


Exactly. In fact the game is is still growing and getting new customers and maintaining them.

I didn’t say it would. But I would be very suprised of in 2 months time it holds the titans grip on mmos that people always talk up the new game to have and they never do.

The next few weeks of doomsday type threads will be entertaining though.


I have no idea about a “titans grip” but it already has more people playing than WoW.

I’m not sure people really understand how big of a game this thing is over in Korea.


Lot of people find it blasphemy that people can play 2 games at the same time as well. I’m sure it’ll have it’s “limelight” moment and then fade away like all new games do.

WoW also had a lot more players than current when it was new and shiny too


It’s an MMO with interesting visuals and customizations, a PVP/Arena system not based on gear (or not as based on gear - not completely clear on that), player housing, and it’s M rated. I’ll be giving it a try for the PVP alone.