Lost all pre-patch warbound gear in warband bank and on unequipable characters

edit: as of today 8/28 8pmcst seems to be resolved items are back, set to warbound until equip and I can transfer residual currency to characters with 0. Had to enter item restore request for vendored BoP items and they are back to warbound as well.

All my warbound until equip items I earned in the event disappeared out of my warband bank. I was confused why there was so much space but now I realize none of the armor is in there anymore.

I have also realized the the soulbound gear I vendored because I couldn’t use it was originally warbound until equip. So I have lost lost that gear as well. There was gear in characters’ bags as well. Probably on Perenold, Kil’jaeden and Stormrage, not sure if there were any other realms.

I tried vendoring some items to get back residual memories and buy the items on the character who needed the items but since they now had 0 residual memories there doesn’t seem to be any way to transfer the residual memories. I can only do it if there is more than 0 on the character.

This is a massive loss of all the work I put in during the pre-patch.


I have also lost all of mine


Same here and it is making me cry! Why? If it is warbound gear why did it all vanish?

I have opened a ticket to report it. Only what I had not put in the Warband bank on 2 toons is what I have left.

It is one kick in the pants!


Blizz knows about the problem and they’re looking into it. Hopefully they’ll find out what happened and restore the gear.


Thank you for update! Fingers crossed they do fix this soon!


I have also lost mine. Glad Blizz is looking into it.

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This is what happens when you lack manpower and rush to put expansions out while also firing all of your testers and quality assurance staff.


I have had almost 3 full pages of gear disappear from my warbank. What happened was that as soon as the expac went live, I went to look at my warbank and everything had turned so dark I could barely see it and it all said it was soulbound. It would not let me take anything out and it told me that you can’t put soulbound stuff in the warbank. A little while later I checked back and it had all disappeared. This felt like a huge punch in the gut to me, as I have worked very hard leveling a bunch of toons during that event (which I thought was quite fun being able to level that fast!) I have had similar things happen in the past and Blizz always gets it straightened out! It is just rather disconcerting at the time it happens. My Sweetheart husband told me “Don’t worry honey, they’ll get it sorted out” Which made me feel better, and he’s right, they always do! Thanks for listening! I just wanted others to know they are not the only ones!


This happened to me too. I had the first tab of my warband bank almost completely full of Dalaran Defender gear.

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I feel your pain. I had nearly a bank tab full of gear and now it has vanished.

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This has also happened to me. So many hours remembering old times with Kadghar.

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this is blizz, at most we’ll get a “teehee sorry” and nothing more.
that is IF we get even that much.

Had this happen to me too. I put in an in-game ticket and am waiting on a response.

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Blizz still hasn’t restored all the items missing from our guild banks so I’m a bit skeptical.


I had specifically bought all the gear for my earthen paladin and saved it, i really hope i can get that stuff for easy gearing.


Hi everyone, I hope you’re having fun with the new expac!

I just wanted to check in and say that they had a 2 hr maintenance and game update today and I was hoping that my warbank event items would’ve been restored, but they are still all gone.

My husband thinks that maybe me having bought some things from the event vendor a few hours before the event ended might have had something to do with my stuff disappearing. But most of the stuff I had in there was gear I got as drops from the Radiant Echoes Event during the month preceding the expac going live. As soon as the expac went live, all the gear that the event vendor was selling (which formerly was warbound), became soulbound, no longer warbound until equip. My husband (who’s a Software Engineer) said that the warbank does not allow soulbound items and it is possible that the items the vendor is selling have the same item IDs that they had before the expac went live, so now the warbank has soulbound items in it, which it shouldn’t. Which is exactly the message I got when I first looked at it, right after the expac went live (please see my earlier post).

Hopefully, this will be resolved, as someone mentioned earlier that Blizz was looking into this.

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Same problem with warband bank added to problem with guild banks. I think we are due a clear and detailed explanation – and a top priority fix. A periodic message, perhaps every hour or so, would go along way to ameliorate the feeling that something is critically wrong with this game.


I put in 2 tickets to Blizz about warbound gear and materials disappearing and got a response to reset ui, delete Curse Forge and rename WTF folder. TOTALLY UNECEPTABLE BLIZZARD. This needs a fix, gear and materials must be restored by Blizzard.


Update number two: Well, they fixed the event vendor, Remembrancer Amuul, so that now the gear he is selling is once again “Binds to Warband until equipped” which is how it was throughout the whole Radiant event, which I think was the right thing to do, so Thanks, Blizz!

Now, if they could Please restore all the gear I had in my Warbank, which mysteriously disappeared after the expac started, I would be so grateful! Please see my previous posts for details about the disappearance. It is making my heart sad to have so much gear just disappear like that… Anyway, Thank you for listening!

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Here’s an update.