Lost a warrior today

I had some stuff saved to an ext driver and some stuff on my iCloud but most of the important stuff is gone unfortunately. Thankfully I never delete my photography stuff :weary:

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imaging a worgen doing this is way more funny than it needs to be lol. rip big b.

o_O. Ive work on a few i thought were nasty but never anything like that before.


Might be some “slight” airflow issue but otherwise looks good :slight_smile:


At least Big Bertha went out in a blaze of glory. RIP brave warrior!

Also as a reminder to everyone: keep your backups away from your computer, too, so that if there is a fire, it doesn’t spread and take out the backup, too.

I used to work at a place back in the day before cloud backups that had a neighboring company that kept their backups on the shelf above the server, and when their server went up in flames, so did the backups. While at lunch and learning of this unfortunate incident, the big boss asked the backup guy where our backups were kept? He said, starting tonight, at my home. When we got back to the office, we all looked at the backups on the shelf above the server.

/moo :cow:


You don’t upgrade your PC to prevent


It’s pretty easy to take the drive out and use a cheap device to recover data. It can be slow but for family pics and stuff

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May the last embrace of the mother welcome it home.

I have a stack of old PCs sitting around. For whatever reason i look and say
 “I may need that some day” Jr. Hoarder in the making I guess.


I can barely use a calculator let alone upgrade a computer :joy:

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So what are the specs on your new order?

Skytech Gaming Nebula Gaming PC Desktop – Intel Core i5 13400F 2.5 GHz, NVIDIA RTX 3050,
16GB DDR4 RAM 3200,
600W Gold PSU,
11AC Wi-Fi, Windows 11 Home 64

760 bucks


lol this did not happen
I’m literally laughing

Not actually as unreasonable as it sounds. Computer parts get very hot while they’re running and a poor wiring job can do some serious damage

I think the damage finally took effect from when I spilled apple juice inside it 2 years before :joy:

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might have something to do with it, yes

There’s no “wiring job” lol. The GPU slots into a PCI e slot and has usually an 8 pin connector. Either it turns on or it doesn’t. There’s a reason you don’t hear people tell you their PCs are catching on fire, something has to go MAJORLY wrong. Like when is the last time you saw a lamp catch on fire? You haven’t.

This “wiring” you’re talking about is plugging in connectors to the places they go, that’s it. There’s zero ways to cause a fire unless you are messing with stuff, trying to solder something to the wrong place that’s broken, or have a very very unsafe PSU and have very bad luck. The GPU would turn itself off because of heat before it caught on fire.

Don’t leave. Gilneas needs you, brother.

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Totally trolling in this thread. How would you spill apple juice and have the liquid fly sideways in mid air to get on your components? That’s some trick.

I’m not joking, there’s still sticky substances on the motherboard and graphics card from when it happened :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ll just take pictures when I get home :woman_shrugging:t5: