Lor'themar spoilers

from the mmo champion datamine

Lor’themar Briefs Player on Quest to Free Baine
Lor’themar: Were it not for the Horde, the remaining sin’dorei might have died out against the Scourge.
Lor’themar: Garrosh nearly severed the bond between us, but in the end it held strong.
Lor’themar: Now that bond is threatened by another warchief… one whom I once knew well.
Lor’themar: My people will not abandon the Horde, nor will we stand idle as it is destroyed from within.
Lor’themar: Rendezvous with our allies and rescue Baine. We will deal with the consequences as they come.

If the Player Tells Nathanos
Nathanos: So Lor’themar shows his true colors at last.
Nathanos: A pity he has sided with Baine, but I am not entirely surprised. This is not his first betrayal.
Nathanos: Play along for now. I’ll send word ahead. These traitors are in for a surprise once they reach Bloodhoof.

lor’themar orders horde players to free baine (with jaina’s help) which leads to you killing sunreavers and denying them their revenge against jaina


The illusion of choice everyone.

Were it not for the Forsaken, you mean. It was the Forsaken that mostly helped the elves when they were dealing with the aftermath of Arthas, not the Horde as a whole.


i called it months ago that it was just an illusion of choice and mattered little.


What is the next test he is alluding to in the rest of the dialogue you didn’t quote ?

sylvanas going team old god?

Maybe ?

After the Mission (If the Player Told Nathanos)
Unknown_Male: Saurfang, Thrall, the Alliance… it is vexing to know our quarry escaped. But we must trust in the warchief’s plan.
Unknown_Male: Soon your loyalty will face an even greater test. I do hope you prove worthy of the Dark Lady’s favor.
Unknown_Male: I have been recalled to Orgrimmar. Remain in Nazjatar. Keep playing along with these traitorous vipers… until you are summoned



They have you essentially work as a double agent. What is so hard to grasp?

They’re not going to create two entirely different experiences.

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Why aren’t you happy? You have the choice between killing horde soldiers or killing horde soldiers !

That shouldn’t be hard to make you help the Sunreavers instead


This is starting to feel like Mean Girls.

Alot of gossip and he said/ she said. Running around behind people’s backs, smiling in their faces, fighting Jaina then helping her… I feel like a hen.

I guess Sylvanas is getting a page in the burn book.


Perhaps, but that would end with a Game Over screen.

Double agents kill their own all the time. :man_shrugging:

i dont know what that means

Seems rather dumb that you are effectively one of the reasons they get away since your fighting to help them escape.

More to the point, if they aren’t going to have any differences why bother with this empty attempt to pretend there is any choice involved.


You seem to think that narrative choice necessarily means a different gameplay experience.

It doesn’t. What your choice does is enable a different context to the same story.

It doesn’t have meaning if you don’t care about roleplaying. If you don’t, then this complaining is just posturing.

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Its a comedy movie about teenage girls being all snake-like and catty. It was written by Tina Fey and starring Lindsey Lohan.

And once you reach the “surprise” you help them get past it… And free Baine… What the hell Blizzard!!


Ah yes, I remember all those Orcs, Cows, and Trolls in the Ghostlands…


ah, never seen it

You could still have escaped before getting killed, helping them is really stupid even more After having done it already for Derek.

So this is Lor’themar’s, “Deliberate,” action against Sylvanas? Freeing Baine? This somehow doesn’t strike me as something Lor’themar would do. He’s endangering Quel’Thalas to take part in what is obviously a trap.

I wonder what his reaction is when he learns that some Sunreavers betrayed him this time around?