Lore wise, what is the deadliest weapon in game?

Aluneth is pretty powerful, and can become more powerful if it can tap into Arcane energies.

The Elevator


Consistently, the most deadly weapon in the many decades of this franchise’s running years is the Dragonsoul (Demon Soul).

The Artifact Deathwing created.

And yes, it makes 90% of the previous items named here look like cheap Dollar store toys (including Frostmourne).

Extreme boredom and the cancelling of subs.

That is the most dangerous weapon in the game.



The dark sword of sargeras seems like a winning option here…

Being that it has killed entire planets… many times…

i am because I’m lightning forge :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The Maw of the Damned has slaughtered entire planets.

The sword that Aggramar drops and wields was literally the twin of Sargeras’s sword in lore until Blizzard retconned that sicne Sargeras’s sword could destroy entire planets. Having a player have a sword that could destroy planets would be… very OP and literally game breaking.

As far as weapons made on Azeroth go, I’d say it has to be the Axe of Cenarius. It’s the only weapon to actually wound Sargeras.

Me with my trusty Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle!

Some folk would pay good money for that.

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If you watch the cinematic ending of ICC raid, you will see Tirion Fordring breaking free from his IceBlockPrison and finishing the Lich King, Arthas. So, Ashbringer, the ret paladin weapon is the deadliest, I’d say. And you mortals all owe it to us, the Human Male Paladins for saving all the livings and the world once and for all, nuff said…you are welcome.

Probably the giant sword Sargaras stabbed Azeroth with.

Atiesh, Staff of Ten Characters.

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Sword of Sargeras, he plunged it into Azeroth and killed the game =\


Nah, diamond guy showed us how to turn it off.

No sword of a thousand truths yet?


Yes, but it took the combined power of most the other weapons mentioned in this thread to do so. Plus it was just sitting there at that point, if actually in use there’d be nothing left of us.

True! We are deadly.