Lore wise, what is the deadliest weapon in game?

I was bored and reading the lore behind Apocalypse, the Unholy artifact weapon and unholy cow… this this is tremendously deadly.

It hastens the destruction of entire worlds and it’s very presence causes severe paranoia to the point of attacking loved ones.

Ashbringer was able to shatter Frostmourne in one epic blow, but could it holds its own against this blade?

What legendary weapon earns the right as top dog?


Sceptre of Sargeras?



Dwarf females.


The Vindicaar.


A Stick from any tree. One wack can knock you out, then it is up to who ever to do what they want to do.

They exist? Holy cow, now I am shocked.


If Sargeras swung his massive sword into the ocean instead of jabbing into silly place, he could have wiped out half the world’s population with a massive tsunami hitting both major continents.

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Jaquestiney, Hero of Azeroth, the one shotting chaos bolt warlock of course.

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I imagine that if he had stabbed the maelstrom that the sword would have just harmlessly gone through the portal

On topic:
The Warlock affliction Scythe kills basically everyone it comes in contact with…

The destro staff is why “Outland” in TBC doesn’t look like “Draenor” in wod

And I think it was the Blood DK axe that is like sentient and also murders everyone… but it’s been a while…

Beyond those, it appears that Knaifu waifu is actually some kind of imprisoned lesser old god type chick, that we free from the dagger in upcoming patches.

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To me Frostmourne is always going to be the deadliest weapon. It kills and corrupts you just from wielding it and it’s claimed thousands of souls.

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Shadowmourne says. Hi.

Therazane: Finally! Something that fits!


Wielded by mortals I would say the Dragon Soul.

Wielded by other beings we have seen then Sargeras sword for a physical item and just the Void in general for non physical.


He wasn’t looking to kill people though, he wanted to kill the planet and its soul.

Killing most of the people would have been contrary to his goals since they would be the only ones who could stop the world from being corrupted if he failed in his last ditch effort.

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Playerwise I believe it is the scepter of Sargeras, the strongest weapon in WoW lore though, would be


Me. Im deadly when i sit on people.

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probably the scepter of sargeras, a wepaon that’s woven into the very fabric of space and time and that’s powerful enough to open a portal even a titan could use.

runner up would probably be the affliction scythe

There are few things in creation that Sargeras fears. The Deadwind Harvester, Ulthalesh, is one of them. The necrolyte Sataiel regrets that she did not attempt to slay the fallen titan with it when she had the chance, so she will test whoever dares to wield the weapon in her stead. Ulthalesh does not mind. The scythe’s master will either overcome Sataiel or be consumed, which will only make the blade more powerful. And then another bearer will take their place. And another.
Ulthalesh has been playing this game with Sargeras for millennia. He knows the meaning of patience.

it’s basically frostmourne on steroids.

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The Nerf Bat. Only the gods can wield such a potent weapon and none can escape its wrath. They say the poor souls who are damaged by it become salty and unplayable.


I think someone on YouTube covered this. Basically Azeroth should be no more, like everything would’ve been flash fried.

I still stand by my answer, the question asked which would be the deadliest weapon not how it was used. This would still wiped out a fairly large portion of the world’s population including the complete destruction of Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and Undercity.

To be fair, without the Violet Eye and the Book of Medivh, it doesn’t seem to be all that.

By itself, it’s probably rivaled by the shaman and priest artifacts, as well as the arcane mage staff.