Is there any lore to back up the possibility that humans could be druids? I only ask this as I was poking around Stormwind’s allied races hangout, I came across “Celestine of the Harvest” HUMAN (not human, worgen. Somehow that makes a difference that Gilneans were humans before they were cursed.) druid trainer. Could it be possible that Humans get the option of druid class in Shadowlands?
I don’t know…probably talking crazy again.
Druidism is something you can learn so theoretically anyone can do it. A Stormwind human however would not really make sense as a druid because they never had any exposure to it at all and it’s not something you just learn overnight.
Celestine is a worgen.
Theoretically humans could learn to become druids in the same way there is no lore reason a draenei physically could not learn to become a warlock.
It is just that culturally both are extremely unlikely. Stormwind humans aren’t particularly attuned to nature beyond their means to exploit and use it to make their lives easier, whereas druidism requires dedicated to nature and a desire to dedicate your life to its preservation.
Anything is possible but I don’t think that Shadowlands is going to introduce any new race class combos. I feel something like that would be an announced feature like how they announced combos like Tauren Paladin in the Cataclysm reveal.
Celestine of the Harvest is a Worgen Druid. Gilneans and Kul Tirans have had connections to Druidism for a long time, in the form of harvest witches and the Drust respectively. But Stormwind - the culture regular humans are canonically derived from - has none. In the future perhaps (similar to how Wildhammers taught Dwarves to be Shamans and the Forsaken taught Orcs to be Mages in Cataclysm), one of the two cultures, or even the Kaldorei, COULD teach Stormwind humans how to become Druids.
But based solely on mechanics, I doubt it.
I always felt that Celestine was more of a harvest witch. Druidism came later.
I’m always buttblasted that races can’t have their own unique takes on classes. If it’s a druid, your tauren doesn’t learn tauren druidism. He learns elven druidism. If you’re a paladin, you learn humie paladinism.
Blood Knights were a step in the right direction. Hell, they could’ve remained by drawing power on the sunwell instead of praising the light.
druidism literally comes from one guy. as does the light at least the more we learn about the light the more it points to be the same light for everyone
Zandalari druids prove that isn’t true, now that I think about it. Maybe Blizzard is finally realizing that giving nelves monopoly on the setting is not the most brilliant idea.
If only they would now do that with humans and paladins.
cause they arent druids, they are dinomancers
You can play Kul Tiran druids, they are human druids.
Outside of undead possibility being limited by certain classes, and maybe never getting velf paladins, almost every race/class combo is possible.
But I wouldn’t expect Stormwind druids to become a thing, no. If Shadowlands was going to add new class combos, it would’ve been in the announcement.
If you visit Celestine at night, she’s in her worgen form.
I never mentioned gonk too sweetie
No you didn’t. My point is that dinomancers aren’t pacted with Gonk, but Zandalari druids are.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
unless you can prove that gonk has nothing to do with dinomancers
I’m just suggesting dinomancers aren’t the group the player is related to. The Raptari page doesn’t mention Dinomancers at all.
And the dinomancer page just says they are trolls that turn into dinos, Mhmmm
Okay. Correlation =/= Causation.
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