Is them using holy magic justified? They don’t believe in the holy light. But other cultures still use it, just differently. Such as night elves who draw from elune, and ztrolls who draw from rezan. iirc goblins draw from their faith in greed. So could KT faith in the endless waves enable them to draw a light-like power? Faith based magic? Tidesages are like shaman and priest hybrid but they primarily use water magic.
Frankly, I don’t like how Blizzard tends to lump individual player characters in with the majority culture of the associated race.
There’s no reason YOUR KT Human can’t have faith in the light.
But more on topic, the moon affects tides, so maybe there’s some absurdly loose connection there? It’s not like they worship Elune but presumably the moon isn’t some sort of pure holy energy and still just reflects light from a sun. Not that they’re sunwalkers like Tauren either, but, idk. Whatever.
Actually a sect of them do follow the light in Drustvar and do not follow the Sea Priest religion like their neighbors.
link to a wowpedia article on them?
Honestly it makes a lot more sense than LFDraenei Shadow Priest or Void Elf Holy priest.
Shdowpriest fits quite well into Drustvar and if you get Shadow Priest, you get the other two specs too.
I’m afraid I don’t have an article but a dear poster Nearo has found many correlations between the Church of the Light and Drustvar
or holy and disc undead priests for that matter…
They can do it, it just causes pain. The cult of shadow preaches balance.
At least there are some priests like that in lore, like Faol. They might be rare, but they are there.
Void LFD and Holy Void Elves, on the other hand…
yeah, but i am just saying.
they may exist, but they are very low numbers.
and even if you see a undead priest, 99.99% of the time, they are probably shadow priests.
which is why when ever i see a bunch of undead priests in wow, it makes me cringe.
RUDE! Though I will probably be putting on those weight, flesh, blood, etc here soon so donchu worry.
its not rude if you hate seeing undead constantly hurt themselves just too make there fingers glow
.-. only certain people want to do that honestly…
Or maybe only the Shadow spec makes sense for them just like happens to Forsaken…
To be this character does it. But that is because undead normally don’t have much if any tactile sense of touch. This gives it back, if only as pain. So kinda masochistic I guess. Just wants to feel something.
I’m gonna make them a tidesage lore wise and the golden spell animation is just silly gameplay mechanic. They Lore/RP wise use water and void magic.