Lore does matter. See Legion

Name them.

By who???

Anything involving 7.3 and the entire Naaru Illidan fanfic story line were very much contentious. I think people forget how divisive that story was, especially after them backstabbing the character three times already in writing.

Another warlock thread?

So, you have no specific cases nor explaining how they’re a retcon.

…you need to be explained how the Illidan story in Legion was a retcon? Or the “There is only one Legion” story because WoD exists? Or Argus not being destroyed but corrupted into a evil titan story? Or the titans not being actual dead part? Or the Legion being intergalatic space invaders rather than…demons?

7.3 literally was not good from a story perspective and half the reveals do not have any sort of long term effects.

Bro, this hill of “Blizzard used to respect the lore” is literally the funniest thing if you look as far back as Classic and TBC to see Blizzard changing the previous lore to set up for player agency or to fit a growing narrative.

why not? naga’s aren’t trash mobs. they’re more powerful than goblins…in like every single way :wink:

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Wait, you mean Blizzard DIDN’T know since BC what they were going to do nearly ten years later?

They lied to us…

If this was the long term plan, then that entire writing room is full of hacks lol.

“Lets make this tragic hero character an irredeemable PoS boss in this expansion THEN ten years later have the players be told that they did the wrong action and this guy is the chosen one!”

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That’s ok, the good news is, different rules apply to player characters from NPCs. So your character wont get broken or go insane or absolutely refuse to activate in the game because Mag’har can’t do that!

The fact that you will be able to make them means that exact thing: our characters play differently. If they didn’t, they would probably actually die and be wiped the first time they died ingame.

Wow my info was wrong my bad… lol
Still not a great director

Illidan has gotten over death before. Sees WC3 TFT and then him all better in TBC.

But destroying everything you write is as advancing as burning books lol.

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They didn’t lie to us they just played 10D chess, duh. Most the lore went out the window long ago. As far back as Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal. How the hell you think they brought deathwing back? lol

Im more taking about the Xe’ra storyline than Illidan being dead.