Lord. Survival is just obnoxiously good, lol

What I see is this…




Quite clearly survival is its own ‘thing’ to whatever degree even in classic.
And I played it for a few minutes and it feels pretty much exactly the same as a lowbie survival hunter in retail.

Yeah…it could be better. Hopefully it will be. But you’ll have to write the WoW devs about that…make a ticket. Nothing I can do about it in here.

As far as what it used to be in game…well it appears that SV in game today is pretty well representative of what it was at level one in Classic from what I can tell…even if its dumbed down now.

Class is in session and we have the great fortune of having a master hunter instruct how to play better.

Take notes man! Spec butchery all the things and sequence macro bomb after sting to victory.

Don’t forget to dodge all those nasty cc’s every 18 secs from all teh mobs!


I have no clue. I quit retail a little into MoP. I’d really like to come back and give it a shot. Classic brought me back.

I found myself watching some retail streams, and the graphics are great. I don’t know what would entice me to try it again, but that’s a different converstaion.

I’d like to see some class homogenization removed. I think that’s a big part of not just the hunter but the class in general.

Yeah with being able to shoot at any range, they’ll have to get creative to make class wide abilities viable.

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Again, open your talent window on Classic. Look at what you find there.

Should be 3 different talent categories.

Then do the same in BfA.

What can you find there, other than the same 3 categories you also found in Classic?

Hint: A tab called “Specialization”.

That tab, did not/does not exist in Vanilla/Classic.

What you can find in your spellbook and how everything is sorted, has nothing to do with what we’re talking about here.

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Bepples said Melee didn’t fit the theme. That’s what started this tangent. Having raptor strike, and a spec that enhances melee abilities does in fact have to do with what we’re talking about.

When I told him that what he was doing wouldn’t work in endgame content (he’s doing lvl 60 dungeons with XP off), he answered that I was clearly wrong because he could pull a bunch of world mobs on his 120 Hunter and AoE them down with Butchery.

He’s a true Hunter god.


if you need help, check out youtube. Im sure there are some class instructional videos on there :slight_smile:

Other than that…Iguess the only thing to say is ‘git gud’…as much as I hate that phrase.

yeah…ok…and then theres this




I already said I know it wasnt the same, but youre pretending as if Survival wasnt even a thing or something. Clearly it was and clearly it had a melee bent to it even in classic

i must be…given that Im not the one having trouble with the spec as some seem to be claiming in here.

At least that one poster and Im pretty sure others chimed in with the same argument.
if the very first SV spell is about melee in classic, Im pretty sure we can assess that melee ‘fits the spec’

Sorry but I can see a Survival tab in Classic…and I can SEE the MELEE spell called Raptor Strike.
It clearly WAS a melee hunter early on.

He just might give Azortharion a run for his money!

No need great one, all your teaching is here! Why bother with all these icy veins sv guides or studying top sv hunters on Warcraft logs?

Will try right after im done face rolling my keyboard mindlessly with ranged specs in ny’alotha!

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that…uh…is kinda the point of liking melee specs, guy.
Ranged is mindnumbingly BORING.
Having a hunter spec that has to get in the dirt with the dogs is much more fun and at least a bit more challenging than ranged combat.
Dodging all that crap is 90% of the fun in this game.
Feel free to respond to my earlier post :slight_smile:

netdecking? Really?
How original :roll_eyes:
I’ll do my own practice dummy work, thanks

You’re right hunter god, I don’t know what I was thinking trying to learn a thing or two from those places.

Silly me


I dont netdeck playing Magic the Gathering since Beta…and I dont netdeck in this game or any other.
I can figure out the math myself :wink:
Did you want to respond to my questions in the last post…or ignore them?

There’s no need now that you’re here hunter god; although if too many of us use your secret teachings, we might risk getting the dreaded nerf bat for being so op and fun!


ah…i get it. You have nothing of value to offer the discussion then.
k then.

You’re not actually reading what people write in replies to you.
This is NOT what I’m saying….not at all.

I’m saying that Survival, the Core Specialization known as Survival that we can play as in the game today(BfA).
Or, the Core Specializations Marksmanship, and Beast Mastery.

None of these(or any of the other Core Specializations tied to other classes), existed in Vanilla. Nor do they exist now in Classic.

In Classic, we(Hunters) have 3 different Talent Categories.
Yes, they are also called Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Survival.

But those categories, aren’t the same thing as what is meant by “Core Specialization”.

In the game today(BfA), we have said Core Specializations, which were added for all classes going into the Cataclysm-expansion.

Those carry the same names as the original Talent Categories we had in Vanilla/Classic.

But they aren’t the same thing.

In the game today, we have both Core Specializations as well as Talent Categories. And the categories are tied directly to each individual Core Specialization.

And just to finish that off.

What did the lack of Core Specializations for classes in Vanilla/Classic mean, design-wise?

It meant that, no matter what we chose from the different talent categories we had back then, it did not change what we had by default/baseline. It did not change the core design of the class.

And the Hunter class in it’s default/baseline core, in Vanilla/Classic, was designed to focus primarily on ranged combat.
Again, no matter what talents we picked, including those that somehow enhanced our melee-capabilities.


yeah…i GET THAT POINT…and MY POINT IS that the SURVIVAL tab in CLASSIC has a MELEE spell called Raptor Strike…thus it WAS a melee hunter from early on.
I couldnt care less about how the categories changed. Survival is showing right on my classic screen with a melee spell in it…CONTRARY to what a couple other posters have seemed to claim.

And that is for one very simple reason.

Survival, in Classic/Vanilla is the only section where they could possibly put in anything that focused on melee for hunters.


Beast Mastery back then, both talents and in the spellbook, focused solely on the pets/beasts in various ways. Nothing else.

Marksmanship back then, talents and the spellbook, focused solely on the ranged weapon itself. On ways to improve with it.

What’s left, was Survival…
There you had anything that did not fit into either Beast Mastery or Marksmanship.

Meaning: Melee, Trap enhancements, general Utility, defensives. Etc.


I have addressed you directly… You’ve regurgitated the same handful of opinions for years while trying to pass them off as fact. You’re constantly a hypocrite when it comes to SV, and ignore it anytime it’s been pointed out.

I dont see that tab in classic on my game. Could you screen shot it and show me what you mean?

I see a General tab, a Marksmanship tab and a Survival Tab.

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BM doesn’t show up until you get your pet skills at level 10.


What Zalgo said above:

In Vanilla/Classic, hunter’s don’t get anything with pets until they hit level 10.

Please, stop looking at the spellbook tabs.

They are just a way to sort all your abilities so they are easier to find.

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