Hello so my lord of the reins achieve is at 299/300 i learnt the tame blood feaster mount no achieve check still 299/300 do a full UI reset delete all addons and still nothing when i check my armory its says 300/300 and achieve not awarded https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/khazgoroth/noctisdrache/achievements/collections/mounts (link to armory achieve section) i submitted a ticket and the GM said they cannot do anything other then learn more mounts and submit a bug report
do you have any alts? especially if you have a paladin alt, it could be the extra one you need is on the paladin and logging into it will tip you over. It counts only mounts usable on a single character so if you have a paladin or warlock or hunter or any of the ones with multiple mounts usable only to them, you would need to log into that toon to get the achieve to ding.
i have logged into every toon i have they all say 299/300 horde and ally side
I am having the same issue. Was at 299/300 and got a Darkshore mount today, no achievement. I have logged into all my characters and fully reset my ui. No idea what is happening. All my characters say 299/300.
I’m having the same issue with No Stable Big Enough. Stuck at 345/350. Got two more mounts, logged on every alt and am still at 345/350. There were more posts by others here having the same issue. The tracking for the mount achievements does not seem to be working.
posted earlier in another thread i can’t find…
also stuck at 345/350 for No Stable Big Enough. I’ve picked up yet another mount with no progress on achieve (this pally currently owns 347 mounts)
I am having the same issue with being stuck on 285/300 and i have logged onto every toon I have above 90 and it doesn’t go up and I have gained a few new mounts
update: i logged into my lvl 98 dk to get pathrunner (ty secret finding discord) and suddenly my achieve started tracking again. I’ve since gotten 4 vendor mounts, the anniversary mount, and the 350 achieve mount However, this paladin’s achieve is still not working, as the mounts owned is still 2 higher than the achieve progress…
I’ve seen this with my Sunwalker too. I’m sure the difference is the Sunwalker Kodo and the Great Sunwalker Kodo… in other words, class mounts. Either those have stopped counting for a bugged reason, or an undocumented nerf reason.
the ally side cannot use the mounts that are useable by the Horde side. example— Mount Parade - Obtain 200 mounts (usable by a single character) so the horde mounts don’t count towards the achievement
While true, not the problem here.
Mounts usable by your faction or both are not counting towards the counter, even removing from it in some cases.
Example: this guy? 347 mounts. Finish the Mechaspider quest and add it to my Journal? Jumped down to 345.
Bumping again because good freaking lord this achievement is whack.
I’ve managed to snag three mounts since being bumped down to 345 - the Unshackled Waveray (which bumped it to 346), the Honeyback Harvester (which did nothing), and the Acid Belcher just now, which added… 2?
So, now I’m at 348 when I should be at 350 - the Mechaspider and Harvester mounts ultimately counted as 0 each.
E: Got the Frostwolf Snarler today. Guess what? A big fat zero to the counter.
So on my DH Blewyou-Stormrage it says 292/300 I just bought Smoky Charger from Order of Ember learned it, 292/300 doesn’t go up. Go to wowhead mount profile it says I’m 282/300 on all my toons. SHIFT-P says I have 342 mounts I can use on my DH. Between a 120 Druid, Paly, DH they ALL say 292/300 and do not go up even though I learn a new mount been 292/300 for about 10 mounts now…But hey GM’s say “Exalted Reputation and Mount Achievement trackers have no reported bugs” Umm WE ARE REPORTING THE BUGS…
I am having the same problem with A Horde of Hoofbeats. I have not received credit for five mounts so far. The reply to my ticket(s) from the GM was “no bugs have been reported.” So frustrating as I read all the posts about the same issue.
I have the same bug. Sometimes the count will catch up though, if I buy a new mount on the ah. Yesterday I won the AV mount and even with the achievement panel open it did not register. Got anxious and ran to the auction house. Bought a 42k mount and luckily enough it jumped up by 2 counts this time. It can be an expensive bug.
I posted in the other thread on this, but this bug is definitely still ongoing. I just tried buying a mount from a reputation vendor and my mount count in the achievement tracker didn’t change, nor did it after completing Mechagon quests that award a mount.
Same issue since 15th anniversary mounts. 3rd GM reply said to submit bug report after other 2 gave the normal run around answers. Frustrating.
Of all my toons…LOL…it logged on one of the lowest.
just an update guys i earn’t 3 more mounts and the achieve pop at 305/300 GL
This thread is getting a fair bit old but I haven’t seen any new ones and this issue is still ongoing- since my last post I have gotten a few more mounts but the achieve is now stuck at 355/400 for ALL my characters, while checking the stats page for “mounts owned” shows my pally, DK, and hunter have respectively 359, 358, and 357 mounts.
Guess I’m missing one of the DK class mounts lol. Even store mounts aren’t moving the achieve anymore