While this is no help to a max level character, I have found that Chromie Time is a good way to find rare pets if you would like them on a lower level alt. I have a Hunter alt at lvl 47 that tamed Loq, Gondria, Skoll and Arcturus spending only a few hours actually searching for them.
March 5 2023, worked for me first try. Second tame, first time I tamed him was b4 crz. Eazy pz.
Can confirm making a low lvl toon on a RP server works. Got my 2nd Loque a few min ago on Kirin Tor. King Krush spawned at 8:36 am. Aotona spwwned 31 min later and loque spawned 36 min after that. Happy taming!
OMG!!! 2 days of camping, read this and got 2 in 20 minutes.
You freaking Rock!!!
I did this today, still works like a charm! Thank you!! <3
Confirming this worked 8/19/2024
What took me years, only took me 30 minutes with the realm hop strat.
Only difference is, my friend wanted to help. He made a DK in a low pop RP realm, went to the zone and invited me. after a few circles, right as I was going to give up and try another day, he popped up.
I’ve tamed him four times between 2 of my 8 hunters (yes I plan to tame him more on the others cause why not?) A few tips. Enter war mode and go check all spawn locations. Another thing you can do is create an allied race character on a trial account on a dead server cluster and have it invite your main hunter to group. War Mode is def the best route to go to tame
I found him years ago, at 4:30 AM after a server reset. I went on to find Arcturis and Skoll up afterwards.
I felt like the luckiest Hunter in the world.
Years ago when Lich King came out Loque’nahak use to be a 24hr respawn, everyone bagged for the rares to out in northerend to be reduced, now adays ive seen people post 2hrs, 6hrs, 8hrs 16hrs on his timer, so far ive been lucky? got him back in the day when taming didnt give tamed names, but my other 2 hunters got him with the name still, my 4th hunter no luck, and then you get the dumb arses out in northerend that think there tough crap if you don’t pay them in gold or they will kill him, if you tell them that if you report them there attitude changes to a 2 year old and start spamming you with idle threats.
Edit: just tamed it on my last hunter lol