Loque'nahak Spawn Timer

Does anyone know the DEFINITE spawn time for loque?? I have been playing since WOD with sub and the lvl 20 thing before that.. anyways.. when i got sub back then and created this hunter i been looking for him ever since. I dont really camp him since i also play a druid who was my first ever char. and the new demon hunter class.. really only getting on when i think he may have spawned. I always heard it was 7hrs. does anyone know for 100% sure? I hope you all are good and having fun :D stay safe everyone :D Update: Caught him a while back and had to step back from wow for several years due to financial and family issues. Glad to be back though and thanks for all the help :smiley:
Loque'nahak's spawn timer is roughly six to ten hours ( It may vary but that's the most consistent report ). The problem with hunting for Loque'nahak is that he's one of the most well known and sought after Spirit Beast. So you'll face a lot of competition for him. He also spawns in a variety of locations in the Basin. There's a helpful map on WoWhead that you can use to put Tom Tom coordinates.

Happy hunting.
I got him the first time I tried the other day. Just realm hop to an RP server. I went there and got all the rares from that zone. Loque'nahak was just chilling there.

Send your Hunter to Northrend so he's ready.
Make a trial toon on a low pop RP realm.
On trial toon, hearth to Org, take zep to Northrend.
Go and find Loque'nahak. It will be way easier.
When you find him, start a group, make it a raid. Alt-F4 out.
Quicky log into hunter, search for your group, request join. Alt-f4 out.
Log into trial, accept invite, alt-f4 out.
Log into hunter, accept invite, you are now in the RP realm, go get Loque'nahak.

I did that and got him on my first try.
As someone said above, 6-10 hours seems to be about the average. But it will typically take longer because of the competition.

I would park your hunter in the Basin and log into that character every hour or so, or whenever you get the chance, and take a lap around the zone and pass through the designated spawn points.

With enough patience and persistence it will happen. Early morning hours are typically the best time for finding rare anything though. That and major patch days while the majority of the player base is distracted.
09/09/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Trayner
I got him the first time I tried the other day. Just realm hop to an RP server. I went there and got all the rares from that zone. Loque'nahak was just chilling there.

Send your Hunter to Northrend so he's ready.
Make a trial toon on a low pop RP realm.
On trial toon, hearth to Org, take zep to Northrend.
Go and find Loque'nahak. It will be way easier.
When you find him, start a group, make it a raid. Alt-F4 out.
Quicky log into hunter, search for your group, request join. Alt-f4 out.
Log into trial, accept invite, alt-f4 out.
Log into hunter, accept invite, you are now in the RP realm, go get Loque'nahak.

I did that and got him on my first try.

I can confirm this did NOT work for me.
I ended up staying on the same server.
I wonder if Loque'nahak knew of the infamy it would become.
09/09/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Trayner
I got him the first time I tried the other day. Just realm hop to an RP server. I went there and got all the rares from that zone. Loque'nahak was just chilling there.

Send your Hunter to Northrend so he's ready.
Make a trial toon on a low pop RP realm.
On trial toon, hearth to Org, take zep to Northrend.
Go and find Loque'nahak. It will be way easier.
When you find him, start a group, make it a raid. Alt-F4 out.
Quicky log into hunter, search for your group, request join. Alt-f4 out.
Log into trial, accept invite, alt-f4 out.
Log into hunter, accept invite, you are now in the RP realm, go get Loque'nahak.

I did that and got him on my first try.
1 Like
09/09/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Trayner
I got him the first time I tried the other day. Just realm hop to an RP server. I went there and got all the rares from that zone. Loque'nahak was just chilling there.

Send your Hunter to Northrend so he's ready.
Make a trial toon on a low pop RP realm.
On trial toon, hearth to Org, take zep to Northrend.
Go and find Loque'nahak. It will be way easier.
When you find him, start a group, make it a raid. Alt-F4 out.
Quicky log into hunter, search for your group, request join. Alt-f4 out.
Log into trial, accept invite, alt-f4 out.
Log into hunter, accept invite, you are now in the RP realm, go get Loque'nahak.

I did that and got him on my first try.

This worked for me tonight (9/23/18). Thank you!!!
Tamed just recently.

Really helps if you have access to a second account.

1. On the 2nd Account make a level 110 Class trial on a low population server ( I did on 3 separate servers).

2.Fly them out to Sholazar Basin and park them there. (You have 3 hours of playable time on each Trial Class. I found I could log one in send my Hunter an invite so my Hunter would phase to the other server, then I would log the Trial Character out which I camped/circled the Basin. This still took a while, however if your on a high population server there are usually multiple horde and alliance camping each spawn point. This way I found with the low pop/RP servers I was often the only person of my faction in the basin.

By the time Loque spawned I had also tamed King Krush twice, and killed him twice, and tamed the bird once and killed it twice. So you still have RNG to deal with on which rare actually spawns. Quite often I would kill/tame the rare on one server to log into the next and the rare was on the new server also. Wether this was a complete fluke or not who knows.

I'm trying the same method with other Sought after rares.

Hope this helps any other hunters looking for a particular rare.
Worked for me as well, 11/9/18. Make sure both toons are in the same warmode instance.

09/09/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Trayner
I got him the first time I tried the other day. Just realm hop to an RP server. I went there and got all the rares from that zone. Loque'nahak was just chilling there.

Send your Hunter to Northrend so he's ready.
Make a trial toon on a low pop RP realm.
On trial toon, hearth to Org, take zep to Northrend.
Go and find Loque'nahak. It will be way easier.
When you find him, start a group, make it a raid. Alt-F4 out.
Quicky log into hunter, search for your group, request join. Alt-f4 out.
Log into trial, accept invite, alt-f4 out.
Log into hunter, accept invite, you are now in the RP realm, go get Loque'nahak.

I did that and got him on my first try.

Worked for me as well, 11/9/18. Make sure both toons are in the same warmode instance.
Warmode is key to a tame. Accidentally killed him first time one night. Went back the next morning and grabbed him no problem. Spent a total of 15 minutes both tames looking for the spot.
1 Like
Been at it since Wrath. I gave up.
09/09/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Trayner
I got him the first time I tried the other day. Just realm hop to an RP server. I went there and got all the rares from that zone. Loque'nahak was just chilling there.

Send your Hunter to Northrend so he's ready.
Make a trial toon on a low pop RP realm.
On trial toon, hearth to Org, take zep to Northrend.
Go and find Loque'nahak. It will be way easier.
When you find him, start a group, make it a raid. Alt-F4 out.
Quicky log into hunter, search for your group, request join. Alt-f4 out.
Log into trial, accept invite, alt-f4 out.
Log into hunter, accept invite, you are now in the RP realm, go get Loque'nahak.

I did that and got him on my first try.
Duuuude I fcking LOVE YOU!!!! Just got him after farming for a couple of hours!! Been at it since Wrath!! Thank you so much!!!
1 Like

I got him the first time I tried the other day. Just realm hop to an RP server. I went there and got all the rares from that zone. Loque’nahak was just chilling there.

Send your Hunter to Northrend so he’s ready.
Make a trial toon on a low pop RP realm.
On trial toon, hearth to Org, take zep to Northrend.
Go and find Loque’nahak. It will be way easier.
When you find him, start a group, make it a raid. Alt-F4 out.
Quicky log into hunter, search for your group, request join. Alt-f4 out.
Log into trial, accept invite, alt-f4 out.
Log into hunter, accept invite, you are now in the RP realm, go get Loque’nahak.

I did that and got him on my first try.

I could god damn well kiss you sir


Realm hopping doesn’t exist anymore. Not even the add-ons that supposedly facilitate it work anymore. You only “realm hop” if you are in the exact same spot as the group you are joining.

I just tamed her at 1pm est. Aegwin server.

Worked perfectly! Although he wasn’t up when I started, he spawned at 2:15 am server time. I wanted to watch him run around, but the fear of someone snipeing him, even though I knew I was the only one on the realm, had me taming him right after I recovered from the shock of seeing him :wink: This is the BEST method I’ve found. Thank you SO very much Trayner for making my dream a reality!!! :sparkling_heart:

Late to this post I’m so happy I found it. You are a beautiful soul for posting this. Worked like a charm. Got all three rares within 10 mins.

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Hey there! Out of curiosity which realm did you try?

Update: saw loque this morning and tried to do this but by the time I got my main there it looked like the mob had disappeared without a corpse :frowning: