Loque'nahak Colour

Why are all of my Loque’nahak pets all of a sudden lime green? They are a cat not a frog…

Did they maybe get hit with some slime in a Maldraxxus area or dungeon? Another player had a similar issue and posted a fix they found awhile back.


If it is the same thing that happened to my Hunter and pets the other day, the cause is on the Hunter themselves, not the pet.

Has your Hunter died since this started?

Sometimes hidden debuffs (in this case that debuff DoT from the slime pools) can become stuck on our characters and death will clear them off.

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hunter pets can be targeted and have toys used on them, its possible someone threw a blight bomb on them from this toy: https://www.wowhead.com/item=166785/detoxified-blight-grenade will turn the target green for 5min with a gas cloud effect.

if thats not the case try dismissing and re summoning it or killing your pet in some means and reviving it.


None of my Hunters that have this happening have died…thanks though!

They’ve had this effect for several days now and I’ve tried dismissing my pet.

Thanks though.

Thanks…I’ll give this a shot.

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no worries then may want post in bug reports forum then, QA doesnt usually follow CSF

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This fixed it. Went to Plague Watch and stood in the green stream.


Sounds like one of those weird things you do while on vacation. :smiley:

Glad that fixed it for you, Elandryia!