Killed a Named/Silver in Siren Isles and upon trying to loot the body became lagged out again…similar to my other 2 recent posts. Was able to do the quest to unlock flying but the fun stopped there.
Just bricked a dungeon. Couldn’t cast a heal, so I tried /reload and then tried relogging. Now I’m stuck in “A character with that name already exists” loop.
Good ole reset day bugs I guess…
had same issue. Took several minutes before I could log back in. The few in the group that logged back in had to tell people who joined not to loot. Was doing a TW dungeon. I’ve been reading that it’s happening even in non-instance content, so you can’t loot. I’m afraid of doing the final Siren Isle content until it’s fixed.
I was able to complete that blimp quest, upgraded my ring. mounted and flew around. found a rare. killed it. then looting it triggered it. but… Fishing!!! Still Works!!
Happened twice now. Once I loot in Timewalking dungeon it’s like I lag out. Can’t even exit the game and try to log back in, tells me character already exists.
Could a blue comment on when this bug will be fixed. This Tuesday sucks, thanks Blizz.
having the same issues - every time i try loot in Siren Isles character cannot interact with anything and need to hard exist the game and then wait the 30 minutes to log back in to have it happen again - so definitely seems loot related
Having similar issues. Happened a few times in TW dungeons and in Argus when i was looting a mob and in the instance for heart of Azeroth. Seems to be related to loot.
I am so over the amount of bugs we have to endure in this game. We pay your company for a gaming experience that is subpar at best. Today was maintenance day and you caused yet another bug and now we are all having to deal with another crappy week of bugs that affects our gaming experience. Blizzard/Microsoft/Activision at the very least you should compensate players with free game time or better yet just shut down and fix all these idiotic issues once and for all.
skinning still works
i didnt even get to loot my raid boss today because when i went to press roll on the item that dropped i was frozen could not loot and i had to force close my game then come back and char already exsist for 20 mins like its stupid