<LOOT> Whitemane PvP Horde | Casual Progression Raiding / PvP / Social

I’ve been asked to bump this thread.


Solid group, looking forward to release!


Great leadership and very well organized. If you are a “mature” player trying to relive the good old days of MMOs, check us out.

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D3 season 18 out tomorrow. Some of us will be racing up to the top before we abandon it for launch Monday.

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70+ people now in the guild

Hurry up an get your spot, filling up quick!

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Mustang smells funny, join us and out dps him! (It should be ez pz) :wink:

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Female artists in our Music channel tonight. Rules: all songs must be from a female artist or lead singer. You can only select 1 song per band. You can only have 2 songs in the queue at any time. Come join us for some girl power as we wait for classic launch.

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T minus 3 days…

Bump, bump it real good!!!

I was MT back in vanilla and rolling a warrior again and a second class (either priest, rogue or lock)

I switched to warlock in BC, one of the first fire destro locks with haste build in my server and consistently top dps in raids.

I left mid Wotlk and came back at the end of mist with DK tank and since Legion as war/pally/druid tanks.

I played lvl 10 rogue twinks, 19 rogue twinks, 29 hunter, 39 holy pally.

I can be a fury OT or MT if needed. And definitely going to play some twinks.

Hop in say hi. Some of us are going to be playing season 18 Diablo tonight until classic launches, be we are still on discord.

The discord link is at the top if youre interesting in hopping in and chatting.

Welcome to the party all!!!

Happy weekend before.

here comes the fun

Woo Hoo we start in 2 more days

pushing diablo 3 leaderboards in the meantime.

Still determined to stay on Whitemane despite the GUARANTEED hour+ ques, and the fact that there are other options now?
That shows lack of foresight from the guild leadership.
Good luck!

Hey guys, I’ve been off and off since wrath and i’m going to be grinding from launch since i have a lot of free time on my hands atm. I’d be very interested in joining. I’m planning on rolling mage.