Seems like a pretty awesome guild thus far. top pick for me.
Come join us in Discord. Coffee and doughnuts served for breakfast.
We have cookies. Frat makes them while wearing a cute little cooks apron
FACTS are FACTS people, look at that honesty!!!
Welcome to my nightmare
At our current rate of growth we may stop recruitment at launch allowing some of us to shift focus. If you are considering checking us out, you may not want to delay.
Hop in Discord and check these guys out. Great group of people so far!
stabemdead rogue LF guild
Hop in discord, join a voice chat channel, say hi.
We’re looking great for launch. If you are interested, hop into our discord!
Its my party and I will cry if I want to. Or drink a lot and pass out. Either are my choices.
We have 50 members pre-registered for launch at this point. That’s a great start… party has already started in discord. Karaoke anyone?
Main title has been updated with current state of the guild as well as additional information.
Join up and come socialize in Discord with us while we wait for launch!
We need more rogues…never thought I would have to say those words
And hunters… but do we really?
We have zero paladins…
But we have pie. I like pie.
All Forsaken know Paladins taste yummy when left to cure for a day or so. Better than pie!
Still looking for more willing and capable members to join our ranks.